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Radio Channels Suggestion

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As the title suggests, I suggest the radio channels should be broken down into squads channels. Say for domination where you have Engineers, Arty Operators, and Squad Alpha, Bravo etc.

It will work better if each squad has its own channel instead of usingone side channel for everyone. It is quite hard to work with your squad in pub server if everyone uses the same channel. Battlefield 2 / 2142 has a system like this and it worked pretty well.

I'd say keep the existing channel but add in squad channels.

Also, my mic works in other games but not this one....:(

Another thing, it would be good if they list the names of the players in the soldier tabs when you lead the squad, so that i know who is who in my squad instead of numbers.

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Number 1, Domination is a user mission for ArmA2. It is not ArmA2.

Number 2, Group channel talks within the group.

Number 3, the map screen shows all of the soldiers in your current group.

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