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Arma2 demo

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I would like to first point out the obvious .. The Arma2 demo is terrible .. i have been playing these games since OFP..these are without a doubt my favorite games.. however.. i played the arma2 demo recently .. and i would have to say that if i had not played ofp and arma i wouldn't have even bothered with picking up the full version of arma2 after playing the demo..

A demo should make someone want to play the full game..not make them turn and run like their heels are on fire when they see it on store shelves .. now..without a doubt arma2 is better than arma1..and mabey even better than OFP .. but the demo dosent show this .. the demo's MP modes included some TDM and DM .. now..in any other FPS this would have been the norm .. but this isnt just any other fps (and we dont want people thinking it is) and the demo dosen't show what arma2 is all about (wich is not boxed off TDM)..

rather than including a MP mode in the demo you guys should have just included a small amount of campaign missions..say..letting the demo be played up to the 3rd-4th or 5th mission in the campaign .. and have the full editor and vehicles avalible .. its fine even if you were to leave out the ability to save the missions.. atleast people would have an idea of what this game / sim is about ..

MY Suggestion to BIS: the MP should be cut out of the demo and should only be an anticipated part of owning the full game , not a horrible representation of arma2..include a small amount of the campaign missions and let people get familiar with what the "real" editor is capable of..

Now..iam almost done downloading the full digital version of arma2 ..

i had nothing better to do then express my opinion of the arma2 demo..and also anger some of you with my horrible spelling and gramar..

ps) dont flame me its only my opinion..but..you guys know its true!! i love BIS just as much as the next hardened war sim fan!! =)



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The problem was the mission campaigns were buggy, as some people mention with the current version still is.

So with a buggy campaign people would have an even worst idea of the game.

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I loved the demo, had so much fun with it ;)

Now i got the retail which i also love :p

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I'm still on the demo which can get a bit boring, what keeps me wanting to purchase the full version is all the videos on it, and how much better it looks. Seeing this post gives hope that the full version is much better.

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