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Moviemakers - Win 7/Fraps/Arma = no audio in videos

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I'm running Windows 7 64-bit with Arma 1.16 with the latest Fraps (2.9.8) with the Windows 7 beta driver from Creative and get no audio in my Arma videos.

I've worked on this problem till my eyes bled but nothing has worked.

Has anyone else tried Fraps and Arma under Win 7 RC and did you get audio?

Can someone verify for me that there are no audio problems when recording Arma movies when running Vista? I'm guessing that Vista "works" or I'd probably see posts on this forum about it considering all the Arma movie-makers out there.

If this works in Vista, hopefully this will get fixed with Win 7 at some point.

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I switched to using my onboard Realtek sound and I immediately got audio in my Win7/Fraps/Arma movies.

The problem would appear to be with Creative's beta drivers. Hopefully, this will be fixed in the final drivers. I've reported the problem on that specific driver's feedback thread at the Creative forums.

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