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In regards to an earlier HALO thread

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I've just finished putting up this mission where a HALO drop is performed from a C130 from a trigger, all successful thanks to the instructions on the "Eject.sqf" script command on this thread.

The problem I have is 99% of the time most of my squad, who HALO alongside, of course, die as soon as they touch ground. Is there a way to prevent this?

I tried applying the Safety code applied by Rommel but it has made no difference?

Also I call it a HALO drop but in reality their chutes come out straight after being 'ejected'.

Any tips?


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Maybe the time between the jumps is to small. Have you tried this script? I used it in my mission and it works fine.

?!(isServer) : exit

_grp = _this select 0
_veh = _this select 1
_par = units _grp
_i = 0
_j = count _par
~(random 3)
unassignvehicle (_par select _i)
(_par select _i) action ["EJECT",_veh]
?_j>_i:goto "loo"

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Thanks mate, I've wacked that on a new .sqf file to use for another time. Always good to have more and more of them.

In the meantime I came up with a decent solution. Just placed a trigger near the drop point, BLUFOR Present, with this script on the activation box:

player action ["eject", [i]name of plane[/i]]; player setvelocity [0,0,0]; [player] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs"

If you have a squad of say, a four man team, you'll need to rename them all (say, for example, A1, A2, A3, etc..) and copy/paste that code again on the same trigger, changing the name of the player of course, so for example:

A1 action ["eject", [i]name of plane[/i]]; A1 setvelocity [0,0,0]; [A1] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs"

They all execute the proper HALO sequence and seem to drop right where I'd like them to be.

Lastly, don't forget to set the height of the plane to about 1100.

Hope that helps peeps in the future :)

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