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My choppers won't go away.

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Right, so I finally decided to dabble around in the editor a bit, and since I didn't have ArmA 1 this has been my first experience with it. So far, I've gotten quite a bit done, but I'm having an issue with my helis. After they unload all of their cargo (infantry squads) they just sit there.

Normally, I'd say I forgot to add a "move" waypoint after synching the "unload transport" wp to my squad's "get out" wp. However, when I only had one helicopter, and one squad, this worked just fine. The heli would fly in at the right height, follow the right waypoints, land, wait for me to disembark my squad, and then off it would fly on its merry way to the far-away deleteVehicle waypoint.

Then I decided to add a little more drama (and some practical support) to my mission, so I added 2 AI squads that loaded into 2 other helis and flew with my heli to the LZ. Right, so this works just fine too! In fact, we all get to the LZ in one piece (although I had to fiddle with the waypoints to keep the choppers from arse-ramming each other on the way), and then we all unload just fine. Up to this point, my mission has been all aces. I even have a nice little briefing to go with it and some real objectives.

I figured the best way to get the helis to fly off was to do the same thing I had done with the first heli (which worked just fine). So I made the other two squads a couple "get out" wp's near the "transport unload" wp's for the other choppers, synched them, and then added "move" wp's to get the choppers out of there. Well, the choppers don't move. Not only that, but my first chopper isn't moving anymore either! Somehow, by adding two more squads and repeating what I've already done, I managed to break what was working before.

So... any ideas as to what may be happening? This is the only thing holding me back from finishing up my mission. Well, this and I plan to get rid of all the "addWeapon this" and "addMagazine that" I went through to customize my troops loadouts, now that I've got my briefing working I'll just add weapons & ammo to the pool there.

Edit: Yes, I've seen this thread, and I've tried that. It doesn't seem to work. I've also searched for a solution to no avail.

Edit2: Actually, now that I've tried, addWeaponPool doesn't seem to be doing what I thought it would. I noticed on the biki it says "only works in campaigns," any confirmation on this or am I just doing it wrong? I've tried putting the addWeaponPool stuff into init.sqf & briefing.sqf, and I don't see how it could work with a trigger because I could only trigger the script to happen that way after the mission has started (and what good does that do me if the gear menu is only available before the mission starts?)

I'll just make 'em addWeaponCargo & addMagazineCargo, put them in a seperate .sqf, and exec the script in the init field of my squad's heli. We can pick our weapons on the fly (pun intended).

Edited by Shwat

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It sounds strange and without seeing it it's hard to say, I don't know if making the waypoints with larger areas has any effect, sometimes I feel they never reach the waypoints when they should.

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It sounds strange and without seeing it it's hard to say, I don't know if making the waypoints with larger areas has any effect, sometimes I feel they never reach the waypoints when they should.

I'll try that out. If it doesn't work, I'll put it into a .zip and upload it on filefront so people can take a look at it. :confused:

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I am not sure if this work or not.

You said you synched the "transport unload" of the helicopter and the "get out" waypoints, try to remove the synch from them. They should stay in place until the entire group has disembarked even without a synch. Not sure if this will do anything, but have you tried it?

I only synch them on entry, never had a problem with disembarking.

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I am not sure if this work or not.

You said you synched the "transport unload" of the helicopter and the "get out" waypoints, try to remove the synch from them. They should stay in place until the entire group has disembarked even without a synch. Not sure if this will do anything, but have you tried it?

I only synch them on entry, never had a problem with disembarking.

That works for the two AI squads, but for the player's squad it only ejects the player. Then, the heli flies off with the rest of my squad. I have to synch that one, and it worked before when I had synched it. But yes, I've tried un-synching them, thanks for the suggestion though. It might inspire something that could fix it :)


Ok. When I said:

and then off it would fly on its merry way to the far-away deleteVehicle waypoint.

I meant far away. So far away, in fact, that the waypoint was just past point on the map where it stops scrolling. Effectively off the map. I should've figured this was the case, because when I tried to put my helis just off the edge they wouldn't go to their first waypoint. I fixed my problem by just moving their waypoints within the scrollable area of the map. Thanks for the quick responses though, guys :)

I already love this community.

Edited by Shwat

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My testing with only one chopper shows me that it eject me but stays there until I order my team to exit, but once they are all out, it flies away.

Double check the waypoint setting for the chopper that's linked to the player group.

Is the condition right? (usually "this" without the " are enough for this thing)

Is it really set transport unload?

Are the waypoints that are synched being "triggered" or is this an issue?

I know these are very basic and you've probably checked them already, but it doesn't hurt to check again.

Do you have a way to upload the editor mission here? Helping is easier (for me at least) when you got the problem in front of you and the ability to test some stuff.

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Helping is easier (for me at least) when you got the problem in front of you and the ability to test some stuff.

Same thing for me. :D It was just a problem with my next waypoints being too far away. I thought to my self "if this is the problem I'm going to kick my self," and I've kicked my self since.

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Give yourself a pat on the back instead for solving it.

Because as you solved this, you probably helped someone else who have the same issue and who will search the forums for the solution you just posted.

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