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Expect more bugs.

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i will shed a tear

So you can't accept the fact that the game works for the overwhelming majority? There may be a lot of people posting issues, but out of the number of people who bought the game, it's definitely the minority.

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Or perhaps you have no idea how to setup/use a PC?

I forsee a lock soon.

oooh zipper, thats getting close to a personal insult. Perhaps you would care to explain what PC configuration will allow me to bypass the internal scripting errors of the campaign? it would help everyone here and ensure the financial stability of BIS

---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------

So you can't accept the fact that the game works for the overwhelming majority? There may be a lot of people posting issues, but out of the number of people who bought the game, it's definitely the minority.

prove it

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Well, I can post my specs. Worked perfectly fine for me and continues to, unless I try the coop campaign.

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00GHz

2GB DDR2 RAM 1066MHz


Windows XP Professional SP3

Hope it helps.

prove it

Um, you just asked me to prove something about a sentence in which it's already proven... What? :\

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Anyways if people have specific troubleshooting issues to address then they should be posted to the troubleshooting forum.

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