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Couple of SecOps bugs

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1. I don't seem to have any luck with the 'secure crash site' mission. When cleared nothing happens. Anyone had success with this one?

2. When I get 'Supply Drop' as a reward, the MV-22 drops off the goods nearby, then fly off. But also here, the mission/reward will never end.

Is there a safe way to forcily terminate and restart SecOps? These types of missions would be perfect for public servers where the playercount is too low to grant the real mission. Makes it possible to at least survive, have some fight and fun, while just passing the time until the server is populated.

Anyone tried this in multiplayer?

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Unfortunately SecOps doesn't seem to work properly yet on a dedicated server (it does work on a player-server though). Hopefully it's being worked on as I think that with some work, SecOps and Ambient Combat might help to eliminate a lot of the desync that goes on in servers running large co-ops.

Here's a mission (not mine) that uses secops in a co-op mission. Don't try running it on a ded though.


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