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Mouse view in vehicle is messed up.

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Hey everyone this is my first post.

I have ahad arma for a while now and stop playing it for a few weeks a while ago. I have just started playing again and now have this problem

PROBLEM: When ever I get in a vehicle my mouse is stuck looknig up. It looks up more depending on the vehicle (cars and stuff the windscreen is only just out of view and in aircrafts i look directly up). This also happens when i go into gear I look up a bit as it goes into it. when im in a vehicle, i can use the numpad to look around sort of and when I press 5 it goes to where I should be looknig then returns looking up. I can move the mouse down fast and I look down then it just looks back up after.

Can somebody PLEASE help me I really want to play arma because I just got alot better at it and I basicly cant use any vehicles.

Normaly I just play onlnie but I have just reinstalled arma and have only been bothered to update to patch 1.08 and I tryed the armory and I still have the problem. I will go to 1.14 tomorrow.

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Do you have a joystick connected, is so, check that it is centralised?


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Thank you that was the problem and now I am happy to know that my joystick works lol.

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