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Manhattan: Safe House problem

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I was tasked with the investigating the "safe house". On getting there, we where set upon by a group of four bad guys, they where dispensed with easily enough and a group of bad guys in the woodland behind where taken out by a passing USMC patrol, so all baddies dead so why the hell hasn't the task moved to complete? Ive searched the area for hours, checked all the bodies and no search prompt came up so what am I to do?

Anything I missed:j:

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You need to actually go 'House to House', one house (when you reach the front door) opens an option in your action menu for 'searching the house'. Should then automatically find intel, though, when I played through it, it didn't update the objectives correctly.

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When I attacked the house, the guys ran and I shot them all. Cooper said something like, "Jeez, they could have got away with the intell!"

Luckily one of them had it on their body.

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