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Panzer Jaeger

Commanders view

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Here's a example from commanders view (on T-55 MBT). Nearly all (T-80 is a question mark) russian AFV's use this type of sight on commander view.


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Yes... I can confirm this...

The sights they are using for commanders are actually T-72's gunners sights.... wink.gif

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you should contact AaronAsh with his for his "realistic" series of vehicles.

CorpPhila, that teletubby is disturbing biggrin.gif

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It was desinged for shirt (which hasn't been printed, yet...) by a friend, me and my brother (also found in this forum...) smile.gif

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Reminds me of the SVD's, PSO-1 range finder, what's it calibrated for? (tanks?)

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Here is the T-72 gunners TPD-K1 optic:


1. Stachelsystem

2. Ablesemarke

3. E-Skala MG

4. E-Skala Kanone

5. Entfernungsmeßskala

6. obere Marke der Entfernungsmeßskala

7. Basis der Entfernungsmeßskala

8. Hilfsstriche für das Schießen mit Splittersprenggranate auf Entfernung von 4000 - 5000 m

9. Hilfsskala für MG

10. Ringmarke des Entfernungsmessers

11. Hauptstachel

12. Nebenrichtmarken

13. Anzeigeleuchte FEUERBEREIT

T-80 1G46 optic:


The TPN-1 IR gunner scope for shooting at night used by all eastern tanks till the mid 90´s:


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I see that the main principle hasn't chaged. But if it works why change it...?

Good auxiliary system to laser rangefinders plus with little mind work easy to use.

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