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Always getting kicked back to desktop?

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I have vista 64 with latest NVIDEA drivers.

core i7 920 with GTX295 and 6 GB RAM.

I am always getting kicked back to desktop and a black and white flashing screen befor I enter a game.

This is terrible for a game like this.

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Yep, If you search through the forum you will find that most people with your rig spec are getting the crash to desktop, myself being one of them.

A few with GTX 295's seem to be able to run the game ok, but I think we're waiting on BIS/Nvidia to come up with a fix basically.

All I can suggest is that you make sure Microsoft error reporting is turned on and sending the error reports because it has been stated on this very forum that BIS do actually receive those reports.

You could also raise an issue at the A2 community issue tracker, the link to which is from one of the stickied threads at the start of the forum.

One can only hope a fix is in the pipeline, as no-one from BIS has actually acknowledged that there is problem with the GTX 295, even if it lies with Nvidia.

All very frustrating and made 100x worse with the lack of any official acknowledgment/response.

Oh well, back to waiting for OFP:Dragon Rising as ArmA2 is a dead duck ATM and looks to stay that way for the near future.

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I can see your point!

It's extremely frustrating and to be honest, I don't think it will be fixed.

So much for dual GPU cards, wish I never bought the bloody thing now.

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So much for dual GPU cards, wish I never bought the bloody thing now.

Only bonus is that it rocks in most other games :)

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Well I've managed to make what I think is an improvement.

I managed to play a few scenario's, a bit of campaign and some online fun without too many crashes, although they are still there.

This is not a fix, just something worth trying to see if you can at least have a bit of ArmA2 fun.

I removed my Nvidia video driver and used driversweep in safe mode to remove all traces.

I then rebooted and installed the Nvidia 186.18 (turn off your anti-virus) and the latest SLI patch from Nvidia.


I am only using the -nosplash command in the target line and nothing else.

On the Nvidia control panel, in the ArmA2 program settings, I have only adjusted V-Sync to force off and touched nothing else.

In my settings I have:-

Visability - 3027

Quality Preference - Very High

Interface Resolution - 1920x1200x32

3D Resolution - 1920x1200 (32)

Texture Detail - High

Terrain Detail - High

Post Process effects - Low

Video Memory - High

Object Detail - High

Interface Size - Very Small

Anisotropic Filtering - Normal

Shodow Detail - High

Aspect Ratio - 16:10

Antialiasing - Normal

also my .cfg file reads:-
















Hope this helps a bit and allows you to play at least for a while.

It's in no way a 'magic bullet', but worked better than nothing for the time being for me.

Let me know how you get on, and if you get to further refine it and make it any better.

I have not really had the time to test it totally, but did notice that when I turned AA and Anisotropic up to high the game seemed to crash a lot quicker.

I only did this once, so it wasn't very scientific, but I will try and test further when I have time.

Oh, and I also deleted my .cfg file before firing ArmA back up again.


Edited by Jonney Napalm
Brain fade

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Any idea why your 3D_Performance is a negative value? I see that from time to time, whereas mine is close to 100,000.

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Any idea why your 3D_Performance is a negative value? I see that from time to time, whereas mine is close to 100,000.

I have absolutely no idea. Maybe related to the problems?

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Maybe so, worth looking into at any rate... for one of us. ;)

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Definately jonney,

something wrong there. My 3d performance is near 100000 too.

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Well if my 3d performance is going to improve by 4294304, then it's gonna look like real life! ;)

Seriously, no idea why it's that, but I can still play a bit and it looks great with desent fps.

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Well its not only a gtx295 problem since i have constant crashes to desktop with my Gtx280 aswell

tried all solutions wich have been offered on the forums here but non helped its BIS his turn to fix this stuff now.

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Well its not only a gtx295 problem since i have constant crashes to desktop with my Gtx280 aswell

tried all solutions wich have been offered on the forums here but non helped its BIS his turn to fix this stuff now.

Dont wanna hijack this thread ... but I gotta ask, cause I'm meeting more and more ppl with the same symptoms...

Fansadox, could ye please describe those crashes you encounter?

What are your full systems specs?

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