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Setting AI position in vehicle

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Is it possible to tell an AI squad member to change positions in a vehicle?

I was gunner and got out to investigate something, taking the driver (who is a sharpshooter) with me. I wanted to leave two men in the vehicle but am unable to swap the remaining men into the gunner and driver positions!

How do I do that?

The controls and commands in this game are infuriating at times. It's wildly unintuitive. Simple commands take too many seconds to do in a firefight. :mad:

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My guess would be: Action (number 6 in the command menu). If that doesn't work I'm afraid you have to order them out of the vehicle and then ordering them back into the desired position: F#-4-2-(vehicle number)-(position)

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...you have to order them out of the vehicle and then ordering them back into the desired position: F#-4-2-(vehicle number)-(position)

This. Only you don't have to order them to exit, they will change the position while being inside just fine.

[edit] The only problem with this functionality is that there is usually A LOT of vehicles listed in "4" menu. It would be nice to have them sorted by distance form the soldier. Speaking of which, it would also be nice to see the distance to the vehicle in that list, not only the direction.

Edited by Stridergg

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you don't have to order them to exit, they will change the position while being inside just fine... The only problem with this functionality is that there is usually A LOT of vehicles listed in "4" menu.

Nevertheless a vast improvement in my opinion. I always keep a notebook and paper close when I play as a squad leader. Memorizing what keys I have to press to order quick boarding/disembark is a crucial part of being a leader.

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