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Why grenades arent created..

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This is somewhat like an artillery script.

_target = _this select 0

_shellnum = _this select 1

_delay = _this select 2

_rad = _this select 3

_grenade1= "grenades"

_area = _rad * 2

_count = 0

_TPos = (getPos _Target)

_x = _TPos select 0

_y = _TPos select 1

_z = _TPos select 2


_grenadeall = _grenade1 CamCreate [_x + (random (_area) - _rad),_y + (random (_area) - _rad),_z + 2]

~(random _delay)

_count = _count + 1

?(_count >= (_shellnum/2)) : _target setdammage 4.0

?(_count <= _shellnum) : goto "replay"


I do not understand why there are no grenades created.

normally they will explode by contact on ground, but they don't do. I already tried this with "smokshell" an it worked properly, "Heat125/120/73" is created too but seems not to affect infantry when impact near of them. But with "grenades" nothing is created. "handgrenade" doesn't seem to work too. So where did I made a mistake?

Thx for any useful replies

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