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Proper fatigue system for ArmA2 -> Huge breakthrough gives rise to questions

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Greetings. I am working on an animations mod and have made a huge breakthrough today towards a genuine fatigue system for ArmA2.

My breakthrough involves the ability to actually temporarily block sprinting, and lower running speeds in stages based on unit fatigue. IMO, this is central to proper survival missions where the player is being hunted, such as zombie or escape missions... but not limited to these. (I don't know about you, but I've spent way too much time running circles around zombies in ArmA1 and OFP.)

One of the key pieces of the fatigue system puzzle at this point is a set of shortened versions of the the various run animations. Does anyone know a quick and dirty way to truncate RTM animation files? (I need the first instant or so only of the files in question.) If not, what might be the best way to go about obtaining these?


Alternately, if I could answer a couple of questions regarding playMove and switchMove, I may be able to forego hacking into the RTMs.

1. SwitchMove always seems to reset the camera if you are in free look mode, which is extremely jarring to the player. Anyone know any way to prevent this reset of the camera?

2. Based on a bit of testing, PlayMove does not reset the camera -BUT- has it's own set of issues. Seems that PlayMove always plays the animation all the way through if interpolationRestart=1 in the config. However, if interpolationRestart=0, playMove seems to play from an arbitrary starting point and play to the end of the animaiton. Either way, player control is blocked while the animation is playing (even if enableDirectControl=1). Anyone have any idea how to get around this and only play a specified portion of the animation? (i.e. as opposed to the whole thing or the arbitrary/random amount.)

Any help with any of this will be much appreciated... thanks! :)

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