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How do I set the weapon for a soldier? Is it in the initiation box?

I'm a real newbie, editingwise.

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You will have to use scripting commands to remove the weapons and ammo of a unit and then use some more to add other weapons and ammo.

You can use the 'initialisation' field of the unit for this.

Use the scripting reference for more information on the required commands:


You will also need a list of weapons and complementary ammo names, download the 'W&A List' at:



Example for the init field, we'll remove an M16 and all M16 magazines from the unit, then add a dragunov with only two dragunov magazines:

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>this removeWeapon "M16"; this removeMagazines "M16"; this addWeapon "SVDDragunov"; this addMagazine "SVDDragunov"; this addMagazine "SVDDragunov";</span>

- All this on a single line.

- In the case of the Dragunov, the magazines and rifle have the same name. This is not always so. (check the ammo/weapon list mentioned earlyer)

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