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Taking command of a unit.

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I have a mission to rescue a chap in a town and I'd like him to join my squad once we get in close proximity. Is this possible? Tried a number of things and searches and have come up blank.

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you have a few different options for this. One would be to look in this thread where i posted a script to get action menu to have unit join/leave group http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78288

other option would be to make a trigger of 1x1 or whatever size you want (note its in Meters) activated by your group, or any members present. To do that group the trigger to your group leader and change activation type.

then in onactivation put

[rescuedunitname] join yourgroup;

put this in your group leader init line

nameyoulikeforgroup = group this;

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Just give the captive guy a waypoint in front of him and give yourself a join and lead waypoint close to him,then synchronise the two WP's, you can even set completion radius in your WP so it activates at the desired distance.

You can use the on act. box to setcaptive false if you used setcaptive on the guy.

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