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Randomly lit interior lights

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Help! I need scripts! If I was competent enough, I’d write these myself, but obviously I’m not, or otherwise I wouldn’t be looking for someone to kindly cook these ideas and make them a reality for the community. I feel that these scripts would be ones that would be highly valued by a sizeable portion of mission editors, either for ArmA or ArmA II. Please, if you can help make these concepts come true, it would be deeply appreciated!

Any decent missions that I make would be publicly released featuring these scripts.

Thank you for your consideration!


Is there a way to define an area perimeter, and any inhabitable structures (in other words, no light poles or vehicle headlights) will have their rooms lit randomly? Ideally, the script would allow for a % chance of a building being lit at all, and if it is lit a % chance per room that its light will be on. Each of these percentages could be set by the mission designer.

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I like where you're going with these questions. Isn't it the case that most buildings have opaque window textures and as such the lights would not be visible outside?

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Mr. Fenix,

You're right in that, from what I've seen thus far (and I just got my copy of ArmA in the mail two days ago), most of the buildings in ArmA are completely enclosed and their interiors are not accessible. This is probably due to just how sucky the default AI is when it comes to clearing interiors or operating out of them, even though fighting out of buildings is oftentimes a VERY smart thing to do, especially if one's opponents are primarily infantry.

That said...

I'm planning on setting up a region of buildings whose interiors are mostly accessible. There are a couple of scripts that I've already downloaded which will randomly place AI in/on those structures, and there's a script which will actually have the AI patrol the interiors randomly. If I combine this with Kronsky's Urban Patrol Script, which randomly assigns patrols, and I setup the opposition's forces to be random in terms of placement and number, then I'm confident that I'll have created a very interesting and always challenging and always different urban ops environment.

Of course the empashis is on tactics, but I also want immersion. If I could get help in getting this script and the others done, then that's one thing that I'll know that I've also achieved. Seeing lights getting shutoff once hell opens up certainly would give me some goosebumps and give the emplaced AI an advantage in regards to concealment.

It'd be nice, for example, to setup some machinegun posts on rooftops, and have the OPFOR make several attempts at remanning those positions when the person crewing the post is killed. Imagine moving in, and suddenly you see a couple of men stoop down and start assembling a MK19 grenade launcher that's pointing your way, and as you close in and rounds start exchanging interior lights go out ahead of you.

Goosebumps? You betcha!

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It's all possible. For the lights I think you need to script "particles", an area I haven't looked at. The wiki will have something I'm sure.

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i know how to create a light source.


_placeforlight=_this select 0;
_lightheight=_this select 1;
_wannaloop=_this select 2;
_number=this select 3;
_randomer=random 1
_i = _i + 1
? (_i==_number):exit;
? (_randomer <= 0):exit;
? (_randomer > 1):exit;

_light ="#lightpoint" createvehicle postion _placeforlight
_light setlightcolor [1,1,1];
_light setlightambient [0.5,0.5,0.5];
_light setlightbrightness [1/8];

_light setpos [(getpos _placeforlight select 0)+(random 30),(getpos _placeforlight select 1)+(random 30),_lightheight] ;
?(_wannaloop ==1):goto "continuecreating";

So the syntax will be as follows :

[light forming object,pos of light over the object,creating light continuously or not,number of lights] exec "lighter.sqs"

light forming object - the place at which the light will be created.(In this script

the light will be created randomly about 30 sq metres around the object)

pos of light over object- height of light over the select object

creating light continuously or not - many light will be created around the object if set to 1,(but there also is a chance that the light will not be created)

number of lights - amount of lights which you wish to appear around the object(once the predefined number has reached ,there will be no more lights around )

I know this is not exactly what you want but this is just a possible thing about light.

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