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Hi, im new to game and the very left collum pritty much all servers havea red X next to them and i get stuck on joining game. why is this and how i fix it? ;)

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Its because you are on a different patch version!

Red X = server is on a different patch (more than likely the latest patch)

Orange dot = server is passworded

What patch version you running?

Edited by ck-claw

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ok, so since 1.05 there is a red dot. What is that? It seems like it may be a server I can't join because of addons or ping, but with ace, I can't connect to ace servers. It said it didn't like the cba addons. LOL, you need those for ace.

That question is answered in ArmA2 MP Guide linked to on this thread


under the "Find Servers\Gamespy Browser" section

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