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I was in the 82nd airborne leading an attack on montignac while regrouping my troops at base. I set up a convoy with a gmc truck and jeep 50cal.

8 men strong. While the rest of my groups were taking the south I planned to secure the mainland.

While me109s flying and strafing our base and our units, Me and my squad were unharmed.

We finaly made it to the town with no resistance from the enemy.

We got comfortable for 5 min and set my troops to disembark while leaving my truck driver in.

Staying put we captured the town. Then one of the bf109s caught on to our postion and the next moment was BOOM and some machine gun fire.

I was startled and heard on the radio, "2 is down".

I immediatly ran to the sound and one of the planes got our truck and poor no.2.

I looked above and saw some planes circlling above. I saw some of my bar units firing at the planes and my 50cal gunner.

Momments went by as the truck slowly burned. I then heard some heavy armour from our south and new I only had 7 men left so I ordered them to garrison a building.

While my men stayed put I grabbed my bar and binocs to see what was coming. I headed for the high grass as I could of been picked off.

As most know to the south of motignac is a lowered elevation so I quickly headed off to see what was coming.

I hid in the high grass at the edge and as soon as I could even bring out binoculars I heard a bang and a shell withing by.

It was epic to hear the round fly over my head, then it turned to terror when I heard another flyby.

BOOM! I then turned to see my troops postioned in the building were hit.

I scrambled back to my troops in the building then another round flew by!

I got down as I heard it fly by and it blew the building to pieces.

I panicked and I heard on the radio 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, are down. :butbut:

I ran to the streets inside town to see if they were really dead.

I saw my m8s blown into other buildings and some were just there hands and limbs were all over the place. It was horrible.

I then went to pick up my m8s bazooka ,but it was to late as the ss were coming into town. I saw some hummles and troops moving in so I went into the nearest 2 storie building. I stayed put as I heard germans marching and chatting on there way in.

I waited a momment heard the voices get closer. Then some came storming into my building so I unloaded about 4 of them with my bar.

I stayed inside and new there was no hope unless delta golf or echo came to my rescue.

My experience of ofp.

Edited by Comrade12

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