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Hostage dies fail mission script

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I am creating a simple mission (learning the editor) and have 90% of it in place and working.

However I am stuck on scripting the mission failure.

Basically I have a US (unarmed) soldier hiding in a village awaiting rescue. I have a Trigger working so that once anyone from the player group is in range he activates and joins the group.

There are several patrols in the village using the Urban Patrol Script and I want to script an alternate objective if they happen to find him and kill him. Basically all I want is an alternate ending that the team just have to get to extraction and get an alternate text ending to come up.

Hope the description is ok, if anyone needs more details then just ask.

Thanks in advance.

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Trigger (F3):

type -> 'End2'

condition -> !alive nameofhostage (get rid of the 'this' thats in there already)

That'll end you mission, using outcome No. 2 (assuming outcome No. 1 is a happy ending)

You customize the outcomes in a separate document which (I believe) is called briefing.html. Not completely sure about the new formatting in Arma 2, so look up Mike84's excellent treatise on briefings and their myriad of uses, found elsewhere on these fora.

Edited by Hund

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Thanks for the reply Hund.

I'm sorry if I seem a bit confused here but that can't be all I have to enter surely. What does the activation need to be, does it need to be Once, Repeated etc.

Got it sorted now thanks.

Edited by Dai-San

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