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Manhatten ends before I did all my tasks

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So I was returning to the FOB to resupply the team with ammo and to get a better armored vehicle and all of a sudden the mission is finished while I was still planning to arrest someone (don't know his name on the top of my head, arrested the woman though),I was to investigate the Safehouse of the drug runners, find the last evidence and clear some hills. Now the campaign is at the next mission and as far as I can see I cannot reload an earlier save, I can only revert the whole mission :( :( :(

Any way to reload my save and still do the remaining tasks? I'm a bit scared about pressing the revert button because I'm never sure what happens with ArmA and that button. Sometimes whole saves are gone and stuff like that...

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So I was returning to the FOB to resupply the team with ammo and to get a better armored vehicle and all of a sudden the mission is finished while I was still planning to arrest someone (don't know his name on the top of my head, arrested the woman though),I was to investigate the Safehouse of the drug runners, find the last evidence and clear some hills. Now the campaign is at the next mission and as far as I can see I cannot reload an earlier save, I can only revert the whole mission :( :( :(

Any way to reload my save and still do the remaining tasks? I'm a bit scared about pressing the revert button because I'm never sure what happens with ArmA and that button. Sometimes whole saves are gone and stuff like that...

The revert button deletes everything you've done after that point.

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Revert just means "load a save point that isn't the most current."

Say you made saves:





If you "revert to B" then you start playing from the B save point and C and D are deleted.

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zoog, I found that if you "complete" a mission and move onto the next one, the savegames for that mission are deleted :( there might be a way around it, but I haven't found it.

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You should must be happy to having finished this painful mission early....:yay:

I spent about 4/5 hours and I finished it. I took the enemy base without artillery support ..... :rolleyes:

It's now a famous scripting bug...:)

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Revert just means "load a save point that isn't the most current."

Say you made saves:





If you "revert to B" then you start playing from the B save point and C and D are deleted.

zoog, I found that if you "complete" a mission and move onto the next one, the savegames for that mission are deleted :( there might be a way around it, but I haven't found it.

I think mundeh is right. If you're still in the mission you can revert to an earlier save, but if you finished it you can only restart the whole mission.

I spent about 4/5 hours and I finished it.

Me too, and I loved it! Really wasn't done yet :yay:

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