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Unable to complete Badlands.

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I take all 4 towns. It then triggers a conversation with some civis leaning against some railings, get 1/2 evidence and then nothing. Do I need to get the 2nd piece? Do all enemy units within a 100 miles need to be dead? What?

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Which makes me wonder... The only objective left then is the "Conquer the region". I reread the briefing, there are no more towns for us to capture that we haven't already captured.

Do you need to leave one town uncaptured before doing that mission? But the mission you get for the Assassination is in Noboy Sobor, the right most and furthest town away. So the mission esssentially tells you to capture the towns in order from left to right, not to skip one and do the assassination mission first.

I drove past all of the main town bunkers and camps. I went back to HQ and to the people who drove up to your base and asked for help in a white car. Now what? Heh!

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I went back to the HQ and found the civis asking for protection. Got the second piece of evidence but still nothing.

Once you conquer all 4 towns the Objective Complete flashes up. then the evidence objective flashes up twice before the Conquer region task flashes up again as incomplete.

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ARGH!!!!! Has anyone figure this out? I don't want to play online until I beat this!!

It ruins the "going into an unknown country" feeling....

I wanna play this game damnit.... ARGH!

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Same problem. I have taken all 4 towns, helped the civilians, and have 2/2 evidence but "Conquer the Region" task remains unchecked.

Given the nature of the game so far there is no way to tell if its a bug preventing the end mission script, or just an objective that no NPC or the briefing has bothered to mention.

I have been a victim of both.

I hope somone who has completed the game will post at what point the mission ends.

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I have finished this one.

Had another mission to assassinate this dude starts with priz or something like that, but didn't find him. Taking the last town had Little john or what ever he is called talk to me about something and it cut to next mission. Problem is when i get the new mission the gurilleas break their alliance with me (bluefor) while i'm talking to my squad and i die there and then so not much cop really:(

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