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Accessing animation sources in scripts

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Hi all,

i wonder if it is possible to get access to animation source data from a script. With anmation sources i mean those which are usually used in the model.cfg to animate parts of a model. I.e. to make an animated horizon, sources would be horizonBank and horizonDive. Full list of animation sources can be found here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config

I know, some can be covered with scripting commands, like for the above example vectorDir and vectorUp. But there are some that can't be catched this way, source "rpm" is such a candidate.

So is there a way to read out easily the values of these sources?

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If you have an object that has an animation using the wanted source, it should be possible to read out the state with animationPhase command.

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I know, some can be covered with scripting commands, like for the above example vectorDir and vectorUp. But there are some that can't be catched this way, source "rpm" is such a candidate.

So is there a way to read out easily the values of these sources?


Scratch what I just said, you have to use the animation class name from model.cfg:

Player SideChat Format ["Phase %1",_vehicle AnimationPhase "IndicatorRPM"]

Edited by UNN

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