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Here is one of mine and Black Op's put in mind that this convo is really old so it may not look up to date.

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

Carl says:

u there?

Carl says:


Hamster says:


Carl says:


Hamster says:

just seeing ig your there

Carl says:

i had coolk dod game

Hamster says:

I had a cool cs game

Carl says:

i joined a non dedicated server

Carl says:

only the host was in there

Carl says:

and we were having real fun

Hamster says:

14 people

Hamster says:


Carl says:

put low gravity on

Carl says:

jumping round the map playing catch the grenade

Hamster says:


Carl says:

then played shoot down the flying sniper with a fixed machien gun

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

This wanker kept on saying i cheated as i had shot him in the head when he was jumping off the side of the 747

Hamster says:

it was just a lucky shot

Carl says:

Carl says:


Carl says:

another game was

Carl says:

axis guy says something in german

Carl says:

than allied guy has to say it in english

Hamster says:

I might as well start using aim bot if im going to get accused of it

Carl says:


Hamster says:

I like it

Hamster says:

For some own reason I own at 747

Carl says:


Carl says:

wobble got banned

Carl says:

and he just got unbanned

Carl says:

and he came back mposting the problem has been fixed

Carl says:

doesnt relalise he was banned

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

they banned quite a few people

Carl says:

who got banned?

Hamster says:

Damged inc got banned for a while as did Murda i think

Carl says:


Hamster says:

nothing there

Hamster says:

lol at nobby

Hamster says:

the mods must really love him as he gets so much attention

Carl says:


Carl says:

the mods now check everyone who registerw

Carl says:

and decise whether they can join or not

Hamster says:


Carl says:

and this morning nobby registered "nobby II"

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

they let him join?

Carl says:


Hamster says:

i need some more log in names so i can rig polls

Carl says:

that sux

Carl says:

ruskie does that

Hamster says:

I forgot my password for one of my other log innames sob

Hamster says:

Hamster says:

foruns suck now not enough spam topics

Carl says:


Hamster says:

We should post a transcript of what we say in msn for every one else ammusment

Carl says:

Hamster says:

come on it would be funny

Carl says:

Hamster says:

go on

Hamster says:

Hamster says:

We could create a topic called mighty 5 msn conversations

Carl says:

They would read like this: Placebo is a total nob aint he

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

better edit the last bit oyut

Carl says:


Hamster says:

who do i have to post it?

Hamster says:

I posted the placebo mighty 5 thing

Carl says:

u have to fuck about with all the smilies

Hamster says:

your turn

Carl says:

its your idea

Hamster says:

your turn

Carl says:

i dont wanna

Hamster says:

do it

Carl says:

they all ahte me

Hamster says:

so whats new

Carl says:

they will ignore my topics

Hamster says:

they ignore mine when ever i make them

Carl says:

u post it

Carl says:

increase ur post count

Hamster says:

u post it i did the last one

Carl says:

i cant be bothered doing all the smilies

Hamster says:

my post count ain't the issue here

Hamster says:

I edit you post it

Carl says:

i look like a twaty

Hamster says:

you do anyway so no worries there

Carl says:

Hamster says:

Carl says:

u must think its sad

Carl says:

cos u want me to post it

Carl says:

its a plan to male me look stupid

Hamster says:

no i just think i might get banned

Carl says:

have u spoke to n00b today?

Hamster says:

you mean Ruskie

Carl says:


Hamster says:


Carl says:


Carl says:

i should have said r n00b

Carl says:

f n00b is fenna

Hamster says:


Carl says:

febna hates me

Hamster says:


Carl says:

cos i treat him like a n00b

Hamster says:


Carl says:

my all time favourtie film is on tv this week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hamster says:

what is it?

Hamster says:


Hamster says:


Carl says:


Hamster says:

when it on?

Carl says:

tues i think

Hamster says:

what channle

Carl says:


Carl says:


Hamster says:


Hamster says:

must watch movie

Carl says:

u seen b4?

Hamster says:


Carl says:


Hamster says:

I gonna tape it and watch it

Carl says:

me too

Carl says:

its on too late

Hamster says:

Come on if we post this convo we have a massive piss taking amount of text for people to laugh at

Carl says:

u do it then

Hamster says:

not a chance

Carl says:

y not?

Hamster says:

last time I took a stab at placebo he reset my postcount

Carl says:

but we havent said anyhting about him

Hamster says:

I called Fenna a twat early on in this topic

Carl says:


Carl says:


Hamster says:

u the n00b

Hamster says:

Carl says:

Carl says:


Hamster says:

maybe we should start another convo with out the smileies

Carl says:

ur onlyt allowed 4 smilies per post

Carl says:

how we suppose to do it?

Carl says:

but then its fake

Hamster says:

true but easyier to post

Hamster says:

It will take fucking ages to edit out all thees smillies

Hamster says:

Or replace them with text

Hamster says:

they won't know it is fake

Hamster says:

u there?

Carl says:


Hamster says:

Can I have a more definite answer than that?

Carl says:

i gtg

Carl says:


Hamster says:


Carl says:


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no i did not that is in another convo, but this one is quite funny.

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make some of your own for now me can't be arsed to alter any more.

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you should get it so you can chat to the Mighty 5 and plan spam attacks.

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tell us if you get owned ruskie then rember bring pics of your victory.

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yep good now you can plan spam attacks here is another convo for you lot this one is not even a hour old.

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

Hamster says:

crud i just closed down are orginal convo

Hamster says:

Carl says:


Carl says:


Hamster says:

all that text was good

Hamster says:

some of it funny

Hamster says:

I keep on meaning to post one of are convos

Carl says:

Hamster says:

but never get around to it

Hamster says:

u got to admit that are convo are funny

Hamster says:

I got some really old one ready to pst

Carl says:


Carl says:

post it then

Hamster says:


Carl would like to send you the file "hehe.bmp" (20 Kb). Transfer time is less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem. Do you want to Accept (Alt+T) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

Carl says:

Transfer of file "hehe.bmp" from Carl has been accepted. Starting transfer...

Hamster says:

what topic should i post are convo in

You have successfully received C:\My Documents\My Received Files\hehe.bmp from Carl. Before opening this file, you may want to scan it with a virus-scanning program.

Hamster says:


Carl says:

make new one

Hamster says:


Hamster says:


Hamster says:

read it

Carl says:

me am

Hamster says:


Carl would like to send you the file "hehe.bmp" (20 Kb). Transfer time is less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem. Do you want to Accept (Alt+T) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

Carl says:


Transfer of file "hehe(1).bmp" from Carl has been accepted. Starting transfer...

You have successfully received C:\My Documents\My Received Files\hehe(1).bmp from Carl. Before opening this file, you may want to scan it with a virus-scanning program.

Carl says:

czn u cahnge them yto jpg

Hamster says:

change it to jpg

Carl says:


Carl says:

that convo nuff funny

Waiting for Carl to accept the file "Ralph-01.jpg" (9 Kb, less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem). Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the file transfer.

Hamster says:

we should make one with ruskie so we can post it

Transfer of file "Ralph-01.jpg" has been accepted by Carl. Starting transfer...

Carl says:

yeah but then its fake

Transfer of "Ralph-01.jpg" is complete.

Hamster says:

yeha but he won't know it

Carl says:

yeah but they not as funny

Hamster says:

they will be we just got to type normaly

Carl says:


Carl says:

they be thinking

Carl says:

who tf is carl?

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

but then i said that the convo was between u and mer

Carl says:

wot f

Carl says:

u sent mew wrong pic back

Carl says:

me want sniper one

Hamster says:


Carl says:

both which i sent

Hamster says:

what one did i give you

Carl says:

must kill

Waiting for Carl to accept the file "hehe(1).jpg" (3 Kb, less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem). Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the file transfer.

Transfer of file "hehe(1).jpg" has been accepted by Carl. Starting transfer...

Transfer of "hehe(1).jpg" is complete.

Hamster says:

that the right one?

Carl says:


Carl says:

me need the other one too

Hamster says:

can you send it again

Carl says:


Carl says:

me dont have it

Carl says:

cos me drew the blood onto it

Carl says:

it should be in ur msn folder

Carl says:

named hehe

Hamster says:

that one i sent you was named hehe

Carl says:

u will ahve more than one

Carl says:

some name hehe(1) etc

Hamster says:

i do i sent you hehe(1)

Carl says:

u got hehe?

Hamster says:


Carl says:

send me dat

Hamster says:


Waiting for Carl to accept the file "hehe.jpg" (3 Kb, less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem). Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the file transfer.

Transfer of file "hehe.jpg" has been accepted by Carl. Starting transfer...

Transfer of "hehe.jpg" is complete.

Carl says:

ok me got them all

Hamster says:

Carl says:

go look in thread about my sig

Hamster says:


Hamster says:


Hamster says:

that kicks ass

Carl says:

u seen?

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

nice one

Carl says:

not bad for 5 mins in paint

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

Carl says:

thats an example to tohers

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

Hamster says:

hmm we need another convo to post maybe this one

Carl says:

Ruskie has been added to the conversation.

Ruskie is already part of this conversation.

Hamster says:

why you calling Ruskie gay/

Hamster says:

Ruskie says:

Hamster says:


davemerson@hotmail.com says:

Hamster says:

Ruskie says:

calling me gay

Hamster says:

just a joke

Ruskie says:

weven tho i roxxorz

Ruskie says:

Carl says:


Carl says:


Hamster says:

u seen the ofp forums recnetly

Carl says:

davemerson@hotmail.com says:

Carl says:


Hamster says:


Hamster says:

i go that too

Carl says:

redstorm is on our forums

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

should we ban his ass

Hamster says:

Carl says:


Ruskie says:

hey, what can i do in my forum, mod wise?

Hamster says:


Carl says:


Carl says:

Ruskie says:

Hamster says:

Ruskie says:


Hamster says:

your just a host not a mod

Ruskie says:

trying to silence the revolution

Hamster says:

you have nom powers

Ruskie says:

can i have some powers?

Hamster says:

u will have mod acces

Carl says:


Carl says:

offtopic = 559

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

cool lrdzach has joined are spam heaven

Hamster says:

k ruskie u a ,od now

Hamster says:

post to make it offical

Ruskie says:

k, cool

Carl says:

msn thread a hit

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

remember ruskie you abuse your power i ban your ass

Ruskie says:

Carl says:

me gtg

Carl says:

me be back later

Hamster says:

k cya u in a bit

Carl has left the conversation.

Ruskie says:

called me a n00b in your convo

Hamster says:


Hamster says:

carl said that

Ruskie says:

i know

Ruskie says:

i'm gonna go own him on dod now

Hamster says:


Ruskie says:

if i do that he gets pissed and complains i don't use teamwork enough

Ruskie says:

cya later

Hamster says:

k cya

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Mar. 09 2002,22:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Great I'll have to put the name in my profile.<span id='postcolor'>

What profile?

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That profile that comes up when you press the Profile button under this post. I added my MSN name in there.

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ahh right all you got to do to talk to me is to add my msn talk adress which is in my profile here.

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topic closed.

Unless u have the prior agreement from the third parties in your convos, then ur breakin the law by producing the conversation without said third parties knowledge. this could result in a legal claim against the producer of said topic in forum and possibly forum itself.

For that reason i have to close this topic biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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