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[Official Disabled Content] E V O L U T I O N - M A R I N E S

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Could not find this in a forum search so here goes...

\Desktop\ArmA 2 extract\missions\MPScenarios\MP_EvolutionUSMC.Chernarus

If you have not guessed from above after extracting the missions.pbo in ArmA 2, I come across E V O L U T I O N - M A R I N E S.

It has been disabled in Multiplayer so I am guessing it was too buggy and was abandoned, or is a not so secret future patch release.

Would be nice to get an answer from a DEV on this please? we all wish to know.

* There are a few other missions too that have been disabled, but I thought mentioning this one been the most popular mission in ArmA 1.

Testing so far...

PBO'd the directory MP_EvolutionUSMC.Chernarus and uploaded to my server box.

[bUG] First city Chernogorsk all the Infrantry AI near the Radio are all ready dead.

Other than that we have come across no other bugs so far after a few hours of play.

Would be nice to get an answer from a DEV on this please? we all wish to know.

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When I played this the enemy at the first flag were alive and kicking just fine.

Issues I have come across;

- No way to blow up first radio tower until you have gone up one rank. Satchels not available until first promotion.

- T menu not working (recruiting, support, etc)

- Some minor graphic files are missing

Obviously this is still a work in progress. The basics are there, but works still needs to be done to finish it off. I hope that BIS will finish it as well as include some new A2 functions as well (call for air-lift, air-drop, arty, etc)

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We been running it for the past few nights, yes this time they were alive at first city.

Sachel until next rank is the same as ArmA 1 Evolution.

Tonight the fourth city had no enemy ot radio, so we were stuck.

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