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Fixed Wing Take Off & Land

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I knew how to do this in Arma 1, but have forgotten over time! Getting on in years yer know! :)

But how do I get a fixed wing aircraft to taxi and take off then land again on an airfield in Arma22??

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If the aircraft is placed on the airfield, it will automatically take off. If you want it to land, use the script command landAt.

E.g.: plane landAt 0;

Beware, the plane will land, taxi to the takeoff position and take off again. You need to tell the pilot to disembark, if you want him to stop on the airfield.

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Which airport do you use? So far the smaller airports are unusable for AI, because the runways are to bumpy and too short.

And I hope you don'T use the C130, because it's turn radius is too big.

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Well, just tested it and it works fine on my computer. I didn't even need to issue a move command- The plane will take off automatically.

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The C130 for me will move down the runway (after being placed on the runway without a move command) but it will not take off. It just moves down the runway. Im trying to get it to take off.

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I've had great luck with using a trigger to place the pilots in the plane, then they will automatically take-off, make sure to place the plane in the correct oritentation and location on the runway. I then put a patrol point and next a land command with a "Get out" as the action. The plane lands taxis and the pilots disembark.

This basically creates a cycling triggerable take-off. When the trigger activates again, the whole process is repeated. The plane taxis, takes-off and lands a bit later.

I cannot find any way to keep a plane stationary when placed at an airport unless it's empty :/

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