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3 questions

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How do I:

A) Get a SCUD Launcher to launch the SCUD after a certain period of time?

B)Get it so the mission ends when the SCUD Launches?

C)Get an end trigger to activate when I get into a vehicle?

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I fiddled around with SCUDs when making one mission.

A) Let scud_driver be the driver of the SCUD.

When the time has elapsed, use commands

scud_driver action[ "START SCUD" ]

scud_driver action[ "LAUNCH SCUD" ]

I can't remember in which order they are, or

are they exactly correct. But you get the idea.

If you don't know how to determine that the time has elapsed,

you can use a simple script that is activated

in the beginning of the game:


;SCUD-launching-commands here

That would wait for 2 minutes and then launch the SCUD..

I hope that this helped a little.. confused.gif

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THat really helped, I wanted to do a mission where you are in an A10 and have to destroy a SCUD before it launches. I can now do that mission, thanx a bunch guys! biggrin.gifsmile.giftounge.gifwink.gifbiggrin.gif

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