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Disabling custom faces and squad image in MP

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I often encounter people with stupid yellow monster face and I wonder if it's possible to disable them ?

Same with some squads picture, seeing an abraam with a huge "Bob the sponge" painted on it is really immersion-killing.

It would be cool to add an option (client-side) to force default face and desactivate the squad.xml pictures.

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Yeah, especially the griefers who put disturbing pictures of homosexual intercourse on the tanks and constantly try to get you to notice them.

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:rofl:you kidding me.

Your ingame immersion is effected by Sickening Homo images of Sponge bob:rolleyes:

Seriously how often would we have other images thrown in our face ingame.

Its just one of those things that happen once in a while.

Ps. i am married and do not condone same sex sponge bob activitys:rofl:

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Public servers oh my... Hahaha i should check one out just for fun. Seems your having a good time amongst hackers, cheaters and other "fun" people. :D

Oh thank god for teams with monitored servers.

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just warn them and tell them to remove inappropriate pictures. if you disallow all to use the squad.xml you kill a gameplay feature.

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A game feature not all of us are too happy with. Having people with skeleton and clown faces, constantly putting out extremely loud 'fun samples', is the reason many denies this.

Edit: Bah, sorry, was mixing up with custom files. I have yet to see any really obnoxious squal.xmls yet. If someone showed up with too explicit ones, you can always ban them at least from your own server.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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I would really like the ability on the server config to control custom faces and custom sounds independently.


currently you have


I would like 2 different settings



That way a sever could allow custom faces BUT disallow custom sounds ( or vice versa )

Custom faces are handy if you know who has what face when they are ingame

I cant think of ANY reason why custom sounds are usefull

So the usual thing where you have some retard coming onto the server with

silly sounds such as rapper screaming the word Nigger , annoying music etc

could be prevented , but still allow custom faces to better ID people in game.


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