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Worse graphics errors with ATI HD4890

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Hey guys,

I've set up a new System containing an AMD Pheneom II x4 955 BE and an ATI HD4890 last week ago. Now I am getting all over very bad graphics errors. Only a few textures are loaded. Transparency is glitching (black trees, and so on). Resetting graphics to default has been useless. I have no clue, where to start searching for

My system:

AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE

Sapphire ATI HD4890 Toxic w/ actual Catalyst.

OCZ DDR-3 PC 12800 (8 Gbyte)

Windows 7 RC1, actual DirectXes

I have never any of those problems on my 8800gts before her VRAM burned.

What can I do to fix these errors ?

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Try to add these switches to your arma shortcut: -winxp and may be -maxmem=512 (experiment also with 1024 and 2047 values).

Check also video memory setting in Video options. For some default works better for others either high or very high (for 512 and 1024MB video cards).

Good luck.

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The Parameter -winxp fixed it in the second try after resetting windows' gfx setting. Without resetting running arma2 resulted in a black screen.

Thanks for this tip.

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