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Crash to Desktop after <10 mins

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I've been lurking trying to find fixes for my crashes but no luck so far, hence this post.

I'm suffering a crash to desktop somewhere between 1 and 10 minutes after the game loads, every time. These crashes are both in game or from the menu but not during load and happen from between seconds into the game through to several minutes in.

I'm running:

Asus M2N

AMD 64 X Dual 6400+

2x 2gig C2-5400C5 DDR2

NVidia 8800GT 512MB (Driver 186.18)

Win XP

The problems have persisted despite the patch.

I've experimented with different video settings to no avail. Audio and other drivers are all up to date...

I'm a complete beginner on the complexities of playing with settings in editors and although I remember the first version of counterstrike, having to work hard to get a game to stay up long enough to actually play it is new to me.

Cheers guys.

Edited by huddy
Mongish tendencies

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Thanks for the reply - It's running at 66 Deg C which is about normal for me. I've just got rivatuner and am trying to figure out how to make it beef the fan up...

It's not a time progressive error (crashes more quickly the more i play) - in fact the inconsistency in timing (sometimes in editor missions, sometimes in bootcamp) makes it harder to work out what the cause is.

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go with a older driver on your card, a 17x.xx even. Your 430 chipset has newest drivers? 2006? you may need to add voltage to your NB ....

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I tried v178.24 - no change. I've not had any other problems with system instablility - it usually gets a thrashing from editing large photos in bulk - before i start playing with processor electronics I'd hope that there was something more simple! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have a read about how i do it and will maybe give it a go tomorrow night.

Any other ideas?

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