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Changing Video settings causes ArmA screen to turn..invisible?

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A strange event occured a few days ago and I tried to bother fixing it on my own. I cannot say what spawned this, as my original assumption was some cross fuckup with me messing in the Nvidia control panel, but after a fresh reinstall, the problem occured again after a while, again unsure what caused it.

The problem in question occured like this first: My attempt to alter the AntiAliasing settings in the advanced Video settings resulted in my ArmA window basically turning invisible. Yes that's right. It goes to my desktop screen, however there's no mouse curser, and I can still hear the button sounds on the ArmA menu screen chirping by pressing the "enter" key. I can also hear any music and/or ingame sounds occuring, this includes actual action taking place while in this state.

After the fresh reinstall, I went to see if the problem was solved. It appeared so. However as I was doing some further optimizing of my settings (still trying to narrow down the best Look/Performance ratio for the game on my system) it occure at random when I attempted to alter the Post Processing. Interesting thing is, during the first time when I had this problem, it would not save the settings, which is why it annoyed the hell out of me. This time however, it keeps the settings I choose, which is less annoying other than me having to close out the game and restart it. I'm figuring it's the same issue, just a different outcome. And no, in both before the reinstall, and after, the window never reappeared visually, at least not within 10min time.

So, does anyone know what the hell is happening here? It's not a real hinderance since I've pretty much settled on a comfortable setting, but in the event I want to change something again, I don't want to have to work around my screen vanishing.

My specs:

Windows Vista 32bit

Intel Q6600@3.6

EVGA 9800gtx oc'd

4gb DDR2 800 ram

Asus Xonar DX sound card

HDDs are all Western Digital of 500gb,320gb,640gb.

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