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Blocky graphics?

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Installed the game went to the training missions and everything is blocky and looks like a bad cartoon.

Updated the latest drivers.....no good. Installed the patch... no good

Fiddled with all the settings.....no good.

Core i7 920

9gb ram

4850 1gig

Vista 64

Any ideas how to fix this? I have trawled through the forums but i'm even more confused.

Maybe just wait for Flashpoint Dragon Rising!

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try deleting your arma2.cfg and your arma2profle in the My Documents folder. start the game and see if that works...but you'll have to re-assign your keys and graphic options

seems to work for some people with these major graphic problems

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If you are at version 1.01 make sure you've raised your fill rate to at least 100%.

If you are at version 1.02 make sure you've raised your 3d resolution to at least 100%.

When I first installed mine was set really low by default and the word I'd use to describe how it looked would be "blocky". Maybe your problem is as simple as that.

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I am having the same problems as you,my specs are, Q6600 2.4, 8 gigs ram, Vista 64 bit, Zotac GT8800 ampted, all updates including the last vista and graphics and I have installed the update for Arma2. I have uninstalled the game twice and the updates. I have just reinstalled this game for the third time and still the graphics are blocky and I am feeling rip off.

My system can play all my games no problem including Crysis on high with no problems, I was looking forward to this game but unless this problem is fixed with another update or a work around is found I will be flogging this game, I could not sell this game to a friend as it is and I don't think I could sell it on ebay. I saw all the trailers on utube and I was hoping for the same standard of graphics. I still live in hope though as I managed to wait around for THQ to sort out Frontlines so I think I will try and hold the faith for a while yet.

Have done all of the above and still blocky. What to do .....

Edited by Zone

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After removing 4 gigs and installing 182.50 driver for nvidia gt8800 I still have blocky graphics. Oh well I suppose that we are the beta testers after having payed for the game we are locked in. Just hope I won't have to wait to long for a patch or work around, I am glad most of you guys are managing to play this game so I can see how much I am missing.:(

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What are your ingame settings?

I have set all settings to low, through all of the different type of different things I have tried from the ram to drivers to vista updates. I also tried to set in game to medium:j: in the mad hope it might work, but to no avail.

In game res I have tried many if not all of the settings.

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sorted :yay: :bounce3: , installed all latest drivers removed 4 gigs from comp leaving 4 gigs installed ( I will figure out how to disable the ram soon rather than taking out said ram). Many thanks to you guys for your help. I will check out fps later after I have played the game for a bit.

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