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Flarmapoint 2

Vehicle damage system

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HI Guys, ok well it seems arma2 is still got the same crappy vehicle damage system.

Especially for planes, when a plane is shot down, should it bounce on the ground and resemble burnt toast?

No, could any of you genises in the modding profession, implement a script which would spawn animated debris and remains of the plane on impact with the ground?

Would that be possible?


Example of arma 2 plane crash effects (fast forward to 4:00)

real plane crash - test crash

Edited by Flarmapoint 2

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I was thinking that a vehicle like a plane should disintergrate on inpact, so my idea was to create a script that would replace the model with the spawning of animated debris and static remains, and this change would be hidden within the explosion effects.

It would look awesome if this was created :D

Do you guys understand what i mean, with the script idea?

My script idea, would have to take into consideration the speed, before the script could be activated to replace the plane with animated debris and static remains :)

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Flarmapoint 2, meet the addon request thread. Addon request thread, Flarmapoint 2.

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