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Flag change does not work for both sides

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Hi guys,

i'm still trying to create a CTF map, with only one flag. So far so good. I made some triggers to change the flag, to this side, which is taking the flag. It works very well for US side.

If the "west guy" take the neutral flag, the US flag will be put on the flagpole. But if the "east guy" take the neutral flag, there will no flag put on the flagpole. The "east guy" still running around with the neutral flag on his back. :confused:

It' confusion. I made a very simlple small test map. It's possible that anyone is checking this stuff maybe ? :( Would be really great...


Kind Regards


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Ok guys, lools like nobody wants to download the mission.sqm to have an eye on it. So here the code..., from EAST side, which is not working.

I made two triggers for East:

The first one




WestHatFahne=0; Fahne setflagtexture "Ca\Data\flag_rus_co.paa"; Fahne setFlagOwner objNull; Fahne setflagside east;

And the second one


not isnull flagowner Fahne and side (flagowner Fahne) == east


OststHatFahne=1; publicVariable "OstHatFahne";

Well, as i told you in the first post. When east guy is taking the flag, the flag wont be changed. The flag is still on the back of the guy. Does see anyone some "bad code" here :confused:

Kind Regards & Greetz


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OststHatFahne=1; publicVariable "OstHatFahne";


You've got a typo there: OststHatFahne

And it's not such a good idea to use the same name for a triggername and a variable.

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You've got a typo there: OststHatFahne

And it's not such a good idea to use the same name for a triggername and a variable.

Yeah, thats it, you made my day !

THX ;)

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