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eMagin z800

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I have a Vusix Iwear which is the same sort of thing with a lower resolution, 640x480.

I find the headtracking more comfortable, accurate and intuative than TrackIr, although less reliable. Sometimes it just fails to recognise movement at all. But it is so much nicer not to have to sit in a correct position or have to re-centre it all the time etc.

The movement is more natural because instead of incremental head movement, you can move the full 360 degrees.

Stereovison is nice but since Nvidia are pushing their own stereovision they no longer support it on Vista and you are forced to rely on your VR providers updates for each game/application. Which in the case of my Vusix is very limited indeed.

I have to use mine on a dedicated XP machine with older Geforce drivers for best results.

I don't know how much better 800x600 will be for ArmA than 640x480, not much I expect. The probelm for me is that 100 metres or so away enemy infantry is just not drawn at such resolutions so I can't see who is shooting at me or do any sniping or serious piloting etc.

With the right game, it rocks. Typically an FPS like Doom or Crysis. Quite a few of them support Stereovision these days. For a game like Left4Dead it really rocks although the head tracking is not used in most of these titles.

It's great for old flight sims that were built to work with those kinds of resolutions. I can't emphasise enough how pleasing the 3D is. (And unlike the monitor version of 3D you dont have to sit with your head in exactly the right spot).

Some games really rock in 3D, Stalker, Left4Dead, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Crysis on the other hand, while it functions correctly doesn't really have any perspective moments with things rushing towards your face or swinging hypnotically towards and away from you.

The propellors at the front of my aeroplane in Il2 Sturmovik were nice.

The headtracking tends to work with any game that has a freelook but again you would have to consult Emagin to see if they have adapted it to be compatable with ArmA. Otherwise you will end up using a homemade tool like Glovepie and having to configure it all yourself, which is very tedious.

My Vusix, although only 640x480 compared to 800x600 resolution is a full £800 cheaper to buy at only £230. Their next version is going to have 800x600. I looked at the Z800 but it's too expensive.

In the end I'd always wanted to own a VR headset. Bit of a waste of money really since I never use it. £1,035 is too much for this product in my opinion.

If I was to buy one again, I would not consider buying a set with lower than 1024x768 resolution. It sucks to play ArmA on resolutions lower than this. I didn't have any Stereovision compatability for ArmA.

Edited by Baff1

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