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Lock a vehicle/Remove "Get Out" Action/Prevent Exit

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G'day guys,

I've been trying to make it so when the player enters a vehicle, he cannot exit. How would I do this? I've been trying for a while (using the command reference guide) and I can't seem to figure it out.

Thanks. :)

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Simply make a trigger with condition:

player in vehicle_name

And then write on the activation field:

vehicle_name lock true

This will lock the vehicle whenever the player enters it. If you wish to unlock it at some point, write "lock false" instead.

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Thanks a lot mate, your help is greatly appreciated. :)

Another thing, how do you stop AI from exiting a vehicle or ejecting?

Also, how would you make it so a trigger does not happen unless a member of a particular squad dies. Basically I have a minefield and when somebody dies in it I want the trigger to go off.


Edited by erc

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Another thing, how do you stop AI from exiting a vehicle or ejecting?

This might get kinda complicated because the AI will try to exit the vehicle if tires are broken, etc, but try this. Make a trigger, activated repeadetly, with condition:

!unit in vehicle_name

And on the activation field:

unit assignAsCargo vehicle_name; unit moveInCargo vehicle_name

That would move the unit back into the vehicle whenever he exits.

Also, how would you make it so a trigger does not happen unless a member of a particular squad dies. Basically I have a minefield and when somebody dies in it I want the trigger to go off.

First make a trigger and drag a group line between it and the group. This will give the trigger new activation options. From those choose "Whole group" and "Not alive". This would make the trigger activate when either of the group member has died. Put in the activation field whatever you want to happen after that.

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Thanks a lot for your help. I got it all going good. :)

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