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Found out how to make alliance in Warfare mode

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While working on my new warfare mission I stumbled across this.

//There can only two allied sides per game: East/West, West/Resistance, or Resistance/East.
//However, there can be multiple cease fires: East/Resistance and West/Resistance. Use SetFriend for cease-fires.
BIS_WF_Common SetVariable["alliedSides",[]];

for example...I am working on a 3 sided warfare map. 2 large nations- russia and U.S. and a resistance side that has access to fast travel but does not build bases. rather the resistance assists in defending towns and retaking towns for resistance. I thought maybe somehow making this resistance side a full-fledge warfare side but without heavy armor etc. and allow cease fires between them. That would be interesting.

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------

yeah! I got an alliance to work in warfare mode.


To make alliances between west/east west/resistance east/resistance etc. activate the script "Common_Setalliance.sqf"

I am just learning about scripting but got it to work this way. By making a trigger attached to radio alpha it will make the alliance. There is also a script named Common_AreAllies.sqf that displays the alliance.

this code below sets an alliance between the west and east against the resistance and displays the alliance at the top right of the screen.

nul = [west,east] execVM "Common_Setalliance.sqf";nul = [west,east] execVM "Common_areallies.sqf"


Furthermore... If you have an alliance with resistance, you get to fast travel to all their towns.

My mission so far... CDF versus Russia versus Resistance-sometimes. Resistance is not in warfare mode, rather normal respawn mode at a secret location on the map-meaning no building or recruiting. West and east can persuade resistance leadership to join their side. Only resistance has the choice to call the alliance. Resistance can make an alliance or choose to fight all enemies. Resistance though is limited in number of slots. 2-4. There is also ambient civilians, vehicles and ambient combat

*Problem I have so far is that making an alliance makes for an unbalanced game.

Edited by mcsheffi

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Hi McSheffi,

Sorry to bother you, but would you be able to explain how you did setup the Warfare module ? When I use it and preview the mission something like ..ng(votingmenu) scr something something comes up and it hangs itself.. However, I extracted the MP Scenario Superpowers in the editor and it works. Last night I looked for hours into the Superpowers mission files. I just can't find whats missing. My actual Warfare setup is alomost identical to that in Superpowers.

I've you got any clues, I would appreciate your help.

All the best - Future

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It is very picky, while messing around with it it would hang a lot. all you really need to make a map is 2 sides and a warfare logic. sync the 2 sides to the logic along with some empty vehicles and load. Adding an additional side to the warfare logic makes it freeze; which is why i didnt add the resistance to the warfare logic. There is a 3-sided warfare mission in the warfare2.pbo but I can't get it to work and adding civilians as a side doesnt work either. :-)

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Thanks mcsheffi. Also one of those mission examples in Warfare2.pbo shows you a basic town / depot setup. Whatever number of camps sync to town depot sync to blue flag ( game logic object ) and then synced to warfare module.

Take care and thanks again

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I'm having an issue though with the resistance spawning. The game thinks the resistance has a MHQ but oddly it is at pos 0,0 and if the resistance dies, it spawns there in the ocean. I though of having a trigger that spawns them to a specific location but nothing works to do this. I also thought of making a bridge going from 0,0 to land and made a huge dock that had tons of trucks spawn where the resistance would drive there but my game crashed and it didn't save. lol. Now I'm thinking about having them climb up an LHD and fly a helo. If I could find a way to move the mhq, that would solve it. There really is one there under water, it pops up when I drive a boat over it.

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

Another thing I thought is interesting is that you can start a town in someone's possession. So literally you can have the civil war. splitting the map in 2 and add one town to USMC and one to Russians.

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Sounds strange. Perhaps copy the content of Superpowers or Utes War welcome into editor folder and check the init.sqf or descreption.ext . I'll remeber coming across some respawn entries somewhere.

Iam starting to wonder what the warfare module actually does. Seems like you could get the same thing using Construction Interface and Strategic Layer reference for all the towns Airports and so on. Also - I it just me or is it not possible to build a UAV terminal in WF ?

Take care - Future

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