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A Problem with the High Command Module and Info Age

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My basic problem is this: I want to use the High Command Module to allow one player to control AI while a human team fights against them. The problem is that once the High Commander has detected the Human squad, the Info Age seems to be updated constantly, as in I can view their movements on the map in real time.

Is there a setting I'm missing? How can I stop this? I want it to show the Human Squad, but I want the information to decay once I have lost a line of sight via the AI squads.

Edit: Even stranger still, if a WEST player kills an EAST AI controlled by the human player, the get a minus score.

Edited by Firerain

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This thread ist old but... the issue/bug is still there...

We tried to create a High Commander vs Team (coop) mission but it doesn't really make fun because once discovered, players marker won't disappear from the H.C. map.

The issue has already been submitted 10 months ago but not fixed yet:


Try it yourself in a SP test mission:

BLUEFOR player as High Commander (+ some AI) at the blue side.

OPFOR armored vehicle (e.g BMP) with 0% ammo, near player.

Let the vehicle drive far away (waypoint).

Start the mission, enter the H.C. mode (CTRL + SPACE) and watch the map:

the red marker doesn't disappear even when the vehicle is 3 km away.

Is there a work-around maybe?

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