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startLoadingScreen seems to freeze scripts and sleep command has no effect

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I'm experimenting with the Loading Screen, and even though the documentations says that scripts will run after showing the screen, they seem to stop.

startLoadingScreen ["Loading something", "RscDisplayLoadMission"];
progressLoadingScreen 1;

It shows, but never hides.


hint "LOL";
sleep 5.0;
hint "YUP"

Will show YUP immediatly when the script is executed (execVM)

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That's right, between starting and ending such a loading screen you cannot use any suspending of scripts (sleep, waitUntil). These commands were introduced to allow some heavy systems to initialize quickly without script limits. You can do pretty much anything in the scripts, but not use delays.

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That's right, between starting and ending such a loading screen you cannot use any suspending of scripts (sleep, waitUntil). These commands were introduced to allow some heavy systems to initialize quickly without script limits. You can do pretty much anything in the scripts, but not use delays.

Okay, thanks a lot.

EDIT: Never mind the below quote. It seems to work fine today <.<

Hmm... But what about the last piece of code?

hint "LOL";
sleep 1.0;
hint "YUP";

I tried that in a .sqf script (in this case "init.sqf"), but YUP is shown immediatly and not after 1 second. It works if I use ~1.0 though.

Edited by MulleDK19

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