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Ordering Huey pilot?

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Could someone explain to me how I command my Huey pilot to take me and my team to certain OBJ's on the map? I would read the guide but the PDF is all in German, thanx pile.

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Actually, I just tested it. you get in the chopper, Click F1-F12(Whichever unit he is), open the map and click and you will give him an order to move there.

To get him to move to a waypoint, click Backspace>F1-F12(Whichever Unit He Is)>Click Move>Click Next Waypoint

Edited by Nicholas

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Yeah it's not really explained all that well in game. When you first get in the chopper open up the map and click once and it'll mark the 'unload position'. If it doesn't work or you want to change the destination en route, just open up your map and go back to the support menu. Then hover the cursor over wherever you want to go on the map and select 'Transport (active)' from the menu. You can mark specific pickup locations the same way - say if you're in a forest you can set the pickup location in a clearing which will stop the pilot from getting completely confused once he arrives.

Edited by JimmyB

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Did you play Bootcamp mission squad comanding? At the end of this training you are thought how to use Starforce21.

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