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Question on foliage (grass/bushes)

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I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing problems with the AI being able to see through Grass/Bushes/Trees ect ?

I've had several occurances where I'm lying down in grass or near bushes

but the AI seem to be able to see me or something as they shoot my ass up, but I'm unable to see them.

These buggers are hard to see sometimes anyway, but having them being able to see through stuff makes it a bit to tough for me :confused:

This was a problem in Arma I, but someone added a mod that changed the

foliage so the AI couldn't see through it.

If this is a problem with Arma II, would a simular mod or patch fix this as well?

Just wondering what others experiences are with this.

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Me!! I was playing online and I was hiding in a house, and AI unit managed to see me through the trees and the wall of the building, when I went to the window I got killed.

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I've turned grass off, it looks great but is kinda pointless when it stops at about 30m and doesn't conceal you from someone over that distance. I would love to be able to have it on, like i said it looks great, best i've seen. Also gain a few fps with it turned off.

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From what has been said by the devs, the distant grass layer and foliage view-blocking will be added in a patch. Guess that's what happens when a game gets rushed out. :o

As for the AI seeing through walls, I've experienced this too. In fact, I think several walls have the wrong view and fire geometries. I posted an issue on the bug tracker about certain chain-link fences being totally bullet proof. :)

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Foliage blocks their view, just not grass. Although going prone does seem to give them a hard time seeing you.

If they see you go into the bushes they will fire some shots into them though.

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As for the AI seeing through walls, I've experienced this too. In fact, I think several walls have the wrong view and fire geometries. I posted an issue on the bug tracker about certain chain-link fences being totally bullet proof. :)

There is indeed something, probably a bug, giving away targets for AI way too easily (Mr GC posted it in bugtracker, btw : http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/1701 ). It also renders targets into players "situationnal awareness" module, for example in campaign, use the "T" minimap and you'll pinpoint targets you didn't even know were there. I had the same during a Warfare MP, I had ennemy positions, without LoS, reported on map while I was the only one assaulting a town (a poor ennemy player fall twice because of that, btw)

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