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avibird 1

Tribute to bohemia & arma2

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Well, since there is still many bugs and limitations, ARMA2 is still quite frustarting for many people out there i think, but for one thing is sure is that they DO get the campaign feeling right...

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+1 great game and will get better and better with future patches and mods

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After playing it since the 28th i have to agree here!

There is definitely something i feel here which i didn't with Arma1 but did with OFP1...

Maybe because we finally got out of the banana republic sahrani? :D

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I'm going to chime in here and say "I can't wait to get my hands on ArmA2!!!"

From the youtube vids there were unfortunate early bugs with AI. (Pitty Morphicon published so early and must have been against BIS wishes but thats greed for you)

As far as CTDs and other game running problems, those cannot all be blamed on BIS. The variation of hardware and multitude of driver combinations means that there will innevitably be compatability problems fro some unfortunate people. Having the latest and greatest hardware does have a downside :P

The prompt .01 patch has improved the AI already. I hope the 505 release will be even better. There are going to be niggly bugs and some more serious ones but BIS will keep improving an already great game.

BIS fan...? Yes I am...!

Edited by EDcase

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BIS is the best - Nothing has given me more fun than OFP and now ArmA 2. I have bought two German copies and with two more copies on the way from 505 I will have bought more products from BIS than anyother software company.

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Now question is, what is next? (excluding a expansion) could they make enough to do an ArmA 3?

new content releases and plenty of patches.

a really good, active, great, thriving, new-stuff-allthetime arma 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arma 3 production

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