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From codemasters - gold edition is bugged!

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This took less than 24 hours to recieve:

Dear Customer,

Do you have a Gold Edition box?

We have just become aware of a new problem. It seems to be restricted to OFP install CDs in the Gold Edition package. So far, we have determined that the install goes well but when you select play, you receive various error messages depending on the version of Windows you have. When the install CD is replaced with a CD from the "non-gold" box, the game will then work.

This would indicate the files installed to your computer are not the problem. Rather, it is when the game needs to access the CD that we see this problem. We are trying to determine a solution as quickly as we can. We are rushing copies of Gold Edition CDs to our labs in the UK and to the facility in the US where the CDs were made.

We would not recommend returning the CD to the store for a replacement of another "Gold Edition" package. Based on our tests, this will not solve the problem. We do not believe this is a problem restricted to your individual CD.

We will post something to our Codemasters USA web page / Support/ Operation Flashpoint Technical FAQ [http://www.codemasters.com/support/faqs.php?gameid=68] as soon as there is something to communicate. Please let us assure you that we will "make this right" and thank you for your patience while we sort this out.

Codemasters USA

Technical Support.


I must say, that while I'm still stuck with a mal-functioning game for now (and how the heck did they let that slip through quality assurance?) - I'm pleased to see that they recognize the problem and are committing to putting it right.

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I just bought it last night...and it won't work for me.

I get that same error as above.

The Demo worked fine... so I believe my PC is fine as well.

I guess I'll just have to wait for the solution.

Hurry up guys/gals....


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Ex-Ronnin, this is only a problem with certain XP/CD-Rom configurations. It won't be a problem for everyone, but it has been a problem for A LOT of people.

Electronics BOutique got so many returns on the game they hastily put up signs in some stores saying "OFP will no run on XP"

Which isn't enirely correct, but it illustrates that a LOT of people are having trouble.

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Well, I just bought the game this afternoon and got the same problems. I'm only glad that I found out it is not me. For a few minutes there I thought I was going to have to take the darn thing back but now I'll be patient and see what codemasters is going to do.

Looking forward to playing the game...maybe.

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Ive got Gold (recently acquired) and winXP. No problems what-so-ever during install or play smile.gif

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Hmm I have XP, and i bought gold edition few days ago... installed fine, patched fine, and now multiplayer works fine.

This game is realy good, and really hard smile.gif.

I luv it!!!!!!

hope everyone sorts out their probs.

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I got Gold Edition two days ago, and have had that problem...if its not fixed by the middle of next week, I'm taking it back and settling for the new Medal of Honor or something sad.gif

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First I'd like to say that I think I was the first to point out the buggy disk. I was fustrated by trying all the suggestions and getting no results. I even tried forceaspi!!! Anyways Codemasters has know about this problem for longer than 24 hours. I bought the game Saturday and quickly contacted them. For those of you that have a gold edition that works, good for you! But many of us having non-working ones and what do we do. We all can contact Codemasters and give them your computers specifications and dxdiag.txt file, run dxdiag from start>run then save infortion into txt. This is only if you bought the Gold Edition Full, original game, gold upgrade and strategy guide all in one box. Send information to Codemasters so they can fix their mistake!

mailto:[email protected]


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I have to say a agree this SUCKS! I just got the game today and this is NOT a nice first impresion of codemaster and flashpoint for that fact. I am not sure if I should take it back and buy the standard edition and the expansion pac, as they seem to work.

Or, I could just go back to playing Ghost Recon!

Nice work codemasters!

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I would just like to point out that this problem is only with the US (North American) full edition of OFP Gold.

The European edition and the separate OFP Gold Upgrade don't have this problem.

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I copied this from the codemasters support faq webpage:

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis


Codemasters is aware there is a problem with the Operation Flashpoint

install CDs packaged in the Gold Edition box. We are working this problem as

quickly as possible and will keep you updated on our progress here. Thank

you for your patience!


Go here to see it for yourself....

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I just bought the game today not knowing about the bug with the Gold Edition. Has anyone gotten the game to run without cracking the exe? I am running Windows XP and I have tried running the game on my Athlon desktop and my PIII-m laptop, both running Windows XP.

Any ideas other than to wait for Codemasters to post a fix?

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i have win 98 and get this error. it has nothing to do with XP

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Just landed in my inbox:

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Reply from Codemasters ref:00121820

Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 11:56:47 -0000

From: Customer Service mailbox <[email protected]>

To: "\"'<theavonlady'\" <"<[email protected]>

There is a problem with the US Gold Edition disk, not the European disk. We will be replacing all of the affected customers disks ASAP free of charge, customers should contact Codemasters customer service. I must stress the problem is only with the US GOLD EDITION DISK not the original game.


Codemasters Customer Services

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This updated email just in from CM:

The master disk for the North American version of Operation Flashpoint Gold Edition contains a flaw that prevents it from loading.

This problem does not affect the Gold Upgrade or any other version of Operation Flashpoint in any territory.

When Codemasters discovered the problem they immediately withdrew the product from sale throughout North America. A new, correct, master has been created and perfect product will go on sale across North America next week.

For those that have already bought the flawed disk Codemasters have implemented a replacement system. Any legitimate owner should contact Codemasters customer service in the USA, who will make quick security checks before sending out a replacement disk.


Any queries regarding games, release dates, technical support etc. can be sent to our Customer Services Department at:

[email protected]

US Technical Support Queries relating to Codemasters' games can be made to the following numbers. Lines open Monday through Friday, excepting recognized holidays, 8wow.gif0 AM to 5wow.gif0 PM, Pacific Time.

Tel: +1 559 683-4468

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If only I had read this BEFORE I bought the game last night...

I sent an email to Codemasters...now it's wait and see. confused.gif

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Patience is a virtue young grasshopper wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CSO_Darter2 @ Mar. 07 2002,18:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If only I had read this BEFORE I bought the game last night...

I sent an email to Codemasters...now it's wait and see. confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Pick up the phone and call.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Mar. 07 2002,17:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CSO_Darter2 @ Mar. 07 2002,18:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If only I had read this BEFORE I bought the game last night...

I sent an email to Codemasters...now it's wait and see. confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Pick up the phone and call.<span id='postcolor'>

I just did. The guy said no one was supposed to know about the recall yet and he would e-mail me back.

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LOL! I got it from an email CM broadcast to major site owners and it didn't say anything about not posting it till a certain date/time.

Just tell 'em The Avon Lady sent you. wink.gif

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This is the reply that I just got from CM:

Dear Customer,

RE: Operation Flashpoint Gold Edition flaw

The master disk for the North American version of Operation Flashpoint Gold Edition contained a flaw that was transferred to all copies that prevents the game from loading. This problem does not affect the Gold Upgrade or any other version of Operation Flashpoint in any territory. When Codemasters discovered the problem they immediately withdrew the product from sale throughout North America. A new, correct, master has been created and perfect product will go on sale across North America next week. For those that have already bought the flawed disk, Codemasters has implemented the following replacement system.

Please email [email protected] with your Name, Mailing Address, CD Key from the back page of your manual, and the hub code from the back side of your CD. We will make a quick security check and immediately send out a replacement disk.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

Codemasters USA Support.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ExLaX @ Mar. 07 2002,21:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This is the reply that I just got from CM:

Dear Customer,

RE: Operation Flashpoint Gold Edition flaw

The master disk for the North American version of Operation Flashpoint Gold Edition contained a flaw that was transferred to all copies that prevents the game from loading. This problem does not affect the Gold Upgrade or any other version of Operation Flashpoint in any territory. When Codemasters discovered the problem they immediately withdrew the product from sale throughout North America. A new, correct, master has been created and perfect product will go on sale across North America next week. For those that have already bought the flawed disk, Codemasters has implemented the following replacement system.

Please email [email protected] with your Name, Mailing Address, CD Key from the back page of your manual, and the hub code from the back side of your CD. We will make a quick security check and immediately send out a replacement disk.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

Codemasters USA Support.

============================= <span id='postcolor'>

The e-mail I recieved said sent it to [email protected].

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Didn't they release the Gold Edition back in Dec or Jan in North America?. Anyways, It's strange, because I live in Canada and I got my copy of OFP Gold Edition some where near the begining of February. Anyways, I have win98se and everything works fine. Good Luck to the people who bought a bugged version and hopfully get a working version.

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