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bravo 6

Universe & Science Facts

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The Science and Technology we have today make my head think, reflect, spin and spin some more..

I won't start this thread asking if "Time Travel" is possible because it would be too evident and wouldn't complete the objective of the thread.

We already know Time Travel is possible, Traveling to the future is. Astronauts do it every time when they go up into the space.

But Traveling to the pass, Science says, it could be a problem... or maybe not.

Interesting information about Universe & Science:

YouTube Videos:

(To help understand, imaginary tour to Universe)

The Universe - Cosmic Holes 1 / 5

The Universe - Cosmic Holes 2 / 5

The Universe - Cosmic Holes 3 / 5

The Universe - Cosmic Holes 4 / 5

The Universe - Cosmic Holes 5 / 5

General Relativity: Cosmic Tunnels / Worm Holes

Is the Big Bang the "True beginning" as start of the Expansion or could it maybe be a continuation of something, ie, "The expansion" known as The Big Bang could came from a White Hole and started to expand from it..

Would it be possible to use Wormholes?

Would it be possible to create and control a small Blackhole?

If Science uses some of these information as facts, Time Travel to Pass could be possible and Multiple Universes would exist?

Are there any physicist or experts on the matter that want/can share important and relevant informations?

Please Share/Add relevant Informations.

edit: added a link

Edited by bravo 6

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I think the biggest shock comes from the fact that something as big as the universe is made up of something as small as atoms coexisting in harmony and combining flawlesly to create insanely complex materials.

The saddest part is that no matter how logical and how sound everything that the greatest minds have stipulated over the last few centuries it is still all hypothethis and theories (quantum mechanics etc.) which we have built as models of our observations and it may very well be that such a place exists where these theories do not hold true. They will have to be adjusted. No matter how advanced we think we are we are always, at all times less developed hen the future. I bet you in 18th-19th century they thought they were pretty damn cutting edge with their steam engines and telescopes. The question is will something come along that will require us to drastically change our views? I mean even newton's laws had to be revised under the theories of special relativity as they didnt work for some things that were too small or traveled too fast.

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These kind of topics also make me think hard. I also think, if our universe is so big and as complex as it is, and as complex as we are. We really can't be the only "living" things here, can we? Probably not. Yet this stuff makes me so curious I always like to talk/learn more about it.

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I would like to quote this for further and possible informations:


White holes perform exactly opposite of black holes. A white hole emits everything, and has no gravity. Although white holes are not believed to exist they are mathematically possible. The possibility of white holes has been proven using Einstein's Theory of Relativity (Bunn). In short, the Theory of Relativity is a mathematical formula dealing with time, energy, speed, and mass. The possibility of white hole uses the time portion of relativity. If white holes do exist they might be in another universe, in a separate space and time from our own (Hawking, Black Holes 116). White holes are the output of black holes. Where a white hole spits things out is unknown ("Black").

The existence of black holes is real. White holes are mathematically possible and now the wormhole enters the picture. Wormholes are a special link between a black and a white hole. The special link is made when both the black and white hole are rotating or spinning in the same direction. If the black hole is spinning, matter will miss the singularity in the black hole. Second, both the black hole and the white hole must have the same electrical charge. Identical electrical charges are important such that matter is not changed passing through the wormhole. As a result of the special conditions, matter enters a black hole, misses the singularity, and pops out the white hole. The entrance of the black hole is in one place and time; the exit of the white hole is in an another space and time. All wormholes function as time machines ("Tech").


The illustration above shows a basic wormhole. On the topside of the plane is a black hole. On the bottom side of the plane is white hole. The entire assembly is called a wormhole. The plane represents space-time, notice how space-time is warped. The light emitted from a star is warped as it travels to us. The gravity of large objects causes the curvature of space-time. For example, to get from Earth to Alpha Centauri, a distance of 20 million million miles would have to be traveled around the curve. By taking a short cut such as a wormhole, only a few million miles would have to be traversed (Hawking, Illustrated 201). The wormhole is direct, whereas the curved route is much longer. The only other way to cut down on time is to travel faster than the speed of light. The Theory of Relativity forbids this outlaw speed. The speed of light limit has not been violated, because a short cut is taken. Relativity has no problem with the short cut. Travelling through a wormhole is not travelling faster, just covering a shorter distance. Like a rubber band, space and time are stretched inside the wormhole. Traveling one mile in a wormhole would be equivalent to millions of miles outside the wormhole. One could start a trip into one wormhole, and return via another wormhole. If these wormholes are set up correctly, the return time could be before one even departed (Hawking, Illustrated 202).


Wormholes could be the best method of travel to far distant galaxies. It would take a hundred thousand years traveling to the center of our galaxy and back at the speed of light. Taking a wormhole could get us back in time for dinner. As it stands now, wormholes are not within our reach. If a wormhole does exist, it most likely is not stable. If anything were to disturb a wormhole, such as a person, it would collapse. Wormholes are half black holes hence; the collapse of wormhole would result in entering a black hole. If a wormhole could be stabilized, theoretically we could use one for time travel. Our understanding of the universe disables us from the skills needed to stabilize wormholes. Most scientists do not believe wormholes exist because no proof has been found. At one time scientists did not believe humans could fly to the moon, but that was accomplished in the late 1960's. Our rate of scientific advancement is such, that in some distant future we may find a wormhole."


Theoretically how would we be able to control its destination location and time?

edit: forgot to add the source.

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Speaking of black holes (called black since the gravity in them is soo enourmous that it can't let light escape), did you know that if you stood at the event horizon (Theoretical border around the black hole beyound which escape velocity > speed of light) you could see the back of ur head in front of you :)

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Bah, this stuff is fascinating, but totally blows my mind. How can you arrive before you even depart? This relativity stuff is crazy.

Now, I am nowhere near an expert on anything science related, but isn't one law of physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed? If so, would arriving before departing as described in the example violate this principle? Essentially, in that specific space-time, matter (you) would have to be created in order for you to arrive before your departure. Or am I missing something in this time-travel process? How can matter from a future time coexist with matter in the present if it is the same matter (which it should be if the matter time traveled)?

And this leads to another question: if I arrive before I depart and kill my departing self before I leave, what the hell happens?



event horizon (Theoretical border around the black hole beyound which escape velocity > speed of light)

Whoa now, I thought this was impossible.

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did you know that if you stood at the event horizon (Theoretical border around the black hole beyound which escape velocity > speed of light) you could see the back of ur head in front of you :)

Yes, i thought of that hypotheses, since the spin movement around the black hole would be in light speed, i believe it would make sense what you mentioned. Another thing that i thought, if all these was possible, is that we would circulate around the black hole till we reach the center and we would not be spaghettified like some say.. we would simply and relatively remain the same speed as if would be static for us but actually moving in light speed velocity. (And why not move like a Tachyon instead light speed?)


And this leads to another question: if I arrive before I depart and kill my departing self before I leave, what the hell happens?



Whoa now, I thought this was impossible.

Well, as the science says and already mentioned there are only theoretic ideas about what could happen.

If it was possible, and if that old example happened, you would be changing an other parallel Universe, not the one you used to know. Thats why Multiverse definition exists.

Multi Universe Theory (MUT)

Edited by bravo 6

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More information, String Theory.







In search for the Truth...

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Now, I am nowhere near an expert on anything science related, but isn't one law of physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed?

It's energy that cannot be created or destroyed. Matter exists as a consequence of there being finite, 'quantum' energy states of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. They exist as a superposition of energy wave states that are both a function of space and time, and have a probability density equal to the magnitude of the wave function, squared.

On a quantum level, it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of matter at the same time due to their existence in at a specific point in space and time being a function of probability. This is described by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states that

Δx*Δp > â„/2

With Δx being the uncertainty in measuring the position of the particle, and Δp being the uncertainty in measuring the momentum of the particle. â„ is a fundamental universal constant equal to Planck's constant (h) divided by 2*pi. As you can see, there is a point where a decrease in Δx will result in an increase in Δp in order to prevent the product from being smaller than â„/2. (I recommend reading up on the uncertainty principle, it's the crux of many of the mind-blowing concepts of quantum mechanics such as the famous 'Schrödinger's Cat' though experiment)

Since the position of matter in space and time is only a function of probability, theoretically it is possible for it to exist in an infinite number of states (position in space an time) at any given moment, but the one state that we are able to observe is the most probable state relative to our own position in spacetime. All other possibilities collapse once the state is observed, due to the wave-function no longer being stable.

The quantum mechanical model therefore makes it possible to arrive on the other side of the universe before you departed given the multitude of 'universes' that are a result of this probability distribution.

At least this is my recollection of university-level physics from ten years ago...

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Since the position of matter in space and time is only a function of probability, theoretically it is possible for it to exist in an infinite number of states (position in space an time) at any given moment, but the one state that we are able to observe is the most probable state relative to our own position in spacetime. All other possibilities collapse once the state is observed, due to the wave-function no longer being stable.

The quantum mechanical model therefore makes it possible to arrive on the other side of the universe before you departed given the multitude of 'universes' that are a result of this probability distribution.

At least this is my recollection of university-level physics from ten years ago...

You mean something like these?


Parallel Universes - Part 1 /5

Parallel Universes - Part 2 /5

Parallel Universes - Part 3 /5

Parallel Universes - Part 4 /5

Parallel Universes - Part 5 /5

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If it was possible, and if that old example happened, you would be changing an other parallel Universe, not the one you used to know.

So would you be stuck in that parallel universe unable to return to the one you used to know? What would the people in the original universe see or experience? Would you essentially disappear and not be heard from again?

I watched the videos you posted about String theory, m theory, and parallel universes. Interesting stuff, but it totally blows my mind. I really cannot grasp some of these concepts...which is probably why I study finance and am not involved in science at all...

Another question, assuming string theory or m-theory is right and all this stuff about rolled up dimensions and parallel universes are true, what application of this knowledge can be used to benefit mankind? I assume that all of this great knowledge could benefit mankind rather than just being interesting facts?

-A very confused and amazed Pilot

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By reading the following you might find a possible answer or a closed answer:







ear the part 2 and others: He in someway explains how science see this matter. (You ear 1 radio frequency but there are multiple frequencies.)

I don't have the proper knowledge nor answers for this.

I'm just another person with a Lot of questions, looking for answers.

So would you be stuck in that parallel universe unable to return to the one you used to know?

What would the people in the original universe see or experience?

Would you essentially disappear and not be heard from again?

I don't know how to answer those questions, nor Science does. There are only theoretically ideas based on Mathematical formulas.

From my understanding, i think if we would travel through time (say future because its the "simplest"), and we could find a way to travel in a static position it would be instantaneously, at the time you reached speed of light, people in the original world wouldn't actually notice that your "journey" had started.

For me its hard to believe, since there is no solid proof, that people would be able to comeback. Why would they? We wouldn't have any idea where and when they would go.. How would it be controlled?! People could go looping forever in the wormholes. Science have no idea how big are these wormholes if they are actually possible to travel through. How would we be able to control these holes, ie, the future location and time?

Another question, assuming string theory or m-theory is right and all this stuff about rolled up dimensions and parallel universes are true, what application of this knowledge can be used to benefit mankind? I assume that all of this great knowledge could benefit mankind rather than just being interesting facts?

By assuming this hole theory is true we would be able to evolve better for the future, find answers faster for our problems as mankind, such as diseases, important problems and intergalactic treats.

Would be nice if experts could elaborate.

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