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Radio Command

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Ok I have a radio command that lets a player do an animation

player playMove "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopParaHow

The problem is that it makes all players do the animation.

I would like just for person who did the radio command to do the Animation.Im sure the answer is simple i just cant get around it banghead.gif

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Well I was able to get around it. I created

this addaction ["Special Move","name.sqs"];

On each Unit I then Created a SQS file

name playMove "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara";

This solved my problem but the question is still there. How can I make a script effect only those who activate it?


I have a script that allowed you to rape females in a prison camp(This was a trap) When the player raped the female,It would flash on the screen who did the raping and the local men would take up arms and attempt to kill who ever committed the crime.Not only that I had it known she had a std and the player would take damage The problem I had was that the Civilians would attack all the players and all players would get the "std damage"

Does anyone know how to fix this problem.

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