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Constant 'Go to' Orders

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I find when I play with, say a team of 5 guys, the one in charge will constantly yell out 'ALL, GO TO ...' which will be some random location. This happens every 30 seconds and is pretty annoying. Kind of like the man has a need to be somewhere, anywhere, yesterday.

I'm patched to the latest with ARMA, sound and Video and have no other issues apart from this particular one.

Probably something very simple.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



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Solved my own problem. I was using Kronzky's UPS script and had inadvertantly put a UPS AI control code in the initialisation of the group leader. So he was constantly getting orders from the UPS script to go all over creation.

All those people with the really big brains who have been pondering the problem can now stand down. Lie down and take an aspirin.




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Plugger, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

All, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

Plugger, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

All, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

Plugger, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

All, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

Plugger, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

All, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

Plugger, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.

All, GO TO, CLOSE THAT thread.


Glad it's sorted smile_o.gif

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