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Conquest maps and MP vehicle respawning

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Hi, I'm trying to make some Battlefield2 style conquest maps for Flashpoint, I'm aware this has already been done once as "Battlefield1985" but I've been unable to find the original release of this, I found a version that someone edited and broke a load of stuff. I've managed to fix most of the scripts but my goal is to make a load of missions that offer the full range of conquest game types. Does anyone know if this has already been done in "Battlefield1985" or another mission? The version I have is best described as conquest head-on.

With regards to the other half of the thread title, MP vehicle respawning, I've implemented the vehicle spawning for my mission as a script for each respawn point on the map that monitors the status of the respective control point (flag) and changes the type of vehicles it respawns depending on the side that controls it. The respawning loop is basically a modified version of Doolittle's vehicle respawn script (by adding a line that checks for changes in the control point ownership), using createvehicle to spawn the vehicle.

It seems to work OK but when I ran it on a four player MP game over a LAN, we had a problem. When a vehicle respawned (even on the server which was non-dedicated), it took up to two minutes for get-in actions to appear on its action menu. I've noticed short delays before the actions appeared when using createvehicle before, but nothing this bad. Can anyone tell me what's going wrong?

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Quote[/b] ]short delays before the actions appeared when using createvehicle

Try to reveal respawned vehicle to player's group(s).

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Do I need to do this locally on each client or can I just reveal them on the server when the vehicle is spawned?

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Ok, I've changed the spawn section of the script to this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#notalive

_vtype = _vtypes select _i

deleteVehicle _v


_v = _vtype createVehicle getPos _vl

_v setDir getDir _vl

_vehicles set [_i, _v]

_vtime set [_i, 0]

publicObject = _v


publicVariable "publicObject"


{_x reveal publicObject} foreach _players

goto "continue"


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_players = [W1,W2,W3,W4,E1,E2,E3,E4]

Which are all the playable units in the mission and _vl is a preplaced game logic for that vehicle (no vehicles will spawn in until someone the control point), adding the reveal line seems to do the trick!

I've tested it on a two PC LAN and there doesn't seem to be any delay in the get-in actions being added. Thanks!

Anyone have any ideas where I can get the original Battlefield1985 or a mission that uses conquest gametypes? I'm also looking for a proper release of Sinews Of War (multiplayer saving functions) and releases of CCE and Coin2 (dl links in their respective threads aren't working). huh.gif

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