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AI mods for SP?

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I've been looking around and can't seem to find a full AI mod for all SP. I don't play MP because of my bad ping so I'm stuck with playing the SP campaign and missions. They are fun but man the AI is broken.

I was playing that Convoy ambush mission from the campaign and I was hidden up top a building prone. After the first BMP rolled over the mines I laid out they knew where I was AND was able to kill my while I wasn't even in line of sight. Maybe the building was bugged who knows. The one right next to the road before the stop sign in the building I was on.

Anyways, so wondering what you guys recommend for an AI mod. Any input is appreciated thanks.

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FFN and/or GL3 and/or ECS. All 3 together is a wicked combo but you need to manually tweak the functions of GL3 and ECS to disable the parts of those Mods that overlap with FFN.

If your gonna choose just one I'd go with FFN but there maybe a lot of stuff you may not want that this Mod adds. Unfortunately and unlike the other 2 I mentioned, FFN can't be tweaked to disable certain features.(With the exception of 2 replacements that have verying limits of content activated.) Hopefully one day the author will take this into consideration but as of now it doesn't look like it. Either way it drastically improves the AI and toughens any mission/campaign.

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Thanks for the replies. I found the FFN mod and will give it a try but I'm not sure what the other ones are. Could you tell me their full name please? Thanks again guys.

EDIT: Nevermind, I've found them. Will give them a try thanks again.

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Are you saying that I can edit the GL3 mod and pick and choose some features? If so how do I go about doing that?

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Are you saying that I can edit the GL3 mod and pick and choose some features? If so how do I go about doing that?

Yes just read the ReadMe for GL3, you can do disable/enable features through the init.sqf or GL3settings.sqf file.

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