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Dust effect

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Could you tell me how i modify dust effect when tank shooting from cannon? I want to reduce this effect because its created too big dust cloud considering size of cannon (40mm)

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Thx u very much for your advice.So i have found something .

class CfgCloudlets


class Default {

interval[] = {"interval",0.500000,0.500000 };

circleRadius = 0;

circleVelocity[] = {0,0,0 };

particleShape = "\ca\cl_basic.p3d";

particleFSNtieth = 1;

particleFSIndex = 0;

particleFSFrameCount = 1;

particleFSLoop = 1;

angle = 0;

angleVar = 0;

animationName = "";

particleType = "Billboard";

timerPeriod = 1;

lifeTime[] = {0,1 };

moveVelocity[] = {0,0,0 };

rotationVelocity = 1;

weight = 1;

volume = 1;

rubbing = 0.050000;

size[] = {1,1 };

color[] = {{1,1,1,1 } };

animationSpeed[] = {1 };

randomDirectionPeriod = 0;

randomDirectionIntensity = 0;

onTimerScript = "";

beforeDestroyScript = "";

lifeTimeVar = 0;

positionVar[] = {0,0,0 };

MoveVelocityVar[] = {0,0,0 };

rotationVelocityVar = 0;

sizeVar = 0;

colorVar[] = {0,0,0,0 };

randomDirectionPeriodVar = 0;

randomDirectionIntensityVar = 0;


class TankDust1 : Default {

interval = 0.004000;

circleRadius = 0.500000;

circleVelocity[] = {1,0,1 };

particleShape = "\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\FireAndSmokeAnim\SmokeAnim.p3d";

particleFSNtieth = 8;

particleFSIndex = 3;

particleFSFrameCount = 1;

angleVar = 0;

animationName = "";

particleType = "Billboard";

timerPeriod = 1;

lifeTime = 2.500000;

moveVelocity[] = {"1+speedX*1.5","speedY","3+speedZ*1.5" };

rotationVelocity = 1;

weight = 1.400000;

volume = 1;

rubbing = 0.100000;

size[] = {1,2,4,2 };

sizeCoef = 1;

color[] = {{0.500000,0.500000,0.500000,0.500000 },{0.500000,0.500000,0.500000,0 } };

colorCoef[] = {"1 + 0.02 * dustColor","1 - 0.08 * dustColor","1 - 0.34 * dustColor",0.700000 };

animationSpeed[] = {0 };

animationSpeedCoef = 1;

randomDirectionPeriod = 0.100000;

randomDirectionIntensity = 0.160000;

onTimerScript = "";

beforeDestroyScript = "";

lifeTimeVar = 0;

position[] = {"positionX","positionY","positionZ" };

positionVar[] = {6,0,6 };

MoveVelocityVar[] = {0.600000,0.600000,0.600000 };

rotationVelocityVar = 1;

sizeVar = 1.500000;

colorVar[] = {0,0,0,0 };

randomDirectionPeriodVar = 0;

randomDirectionIntensityVar = 0;



You probably means this, isnt? So, I will try it when i will at home.

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as i think correctly "tankdust1" is ground shock dust

then "tankdust2" is cannon dust

or contrary))

just check))

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Other things to be aware of:

You can set this effect per vehicle (under its class in cfgVehicles). I think its something like FDustEffect = "..."; or FireDustEffect = "...";

Whatever is in quotations is the combined effect (class FDustEffect, I think), which refers to the two classes mentioned above, in cfgCloudlets. I'm sorry if this explanation is a bit poor, I'm not on my Arma machine to check anything. tounge2.gif

Also, I'm pretty sure it only works for tanks. I tried it with cars and static weapons w/o much success.

PS: Frizy, feel free to e-mail me or message me if you have questions. Like I said, I've gone though this already w/ I44, and I'd be happy to help you.

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Thx guys.

I already used FireDustEffect wich i found in config (cfgVehicle) of weapons.pbo for M119 but without success sad_o.gif

So I will try it again today or through weekend.

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