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1.15 Beta AI gunners not firing

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Dear All,

Could you check something for me please? I went back to 1.14 (for another reason) and found that the AI in my vehicles were engaging targets automatically AS THEY SHOULD !

Now when I went back to the beta I have to assign manual targets to my AI in order for them to engage.

If my AI (on foot) engage without me giving them a target, why is it that they need a target in a vehicle?

I think this is a VAST oversight on the beta and WHEN reinstated should make people respect armour again.

Have a go and see what you think.

[TAO] Kremator

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With my Arma its all good. AI gunners shoots enemys by themselves. If I am in a tank as driver, commander is shooting automaticly. Gunner shoots automaticly if he is set to MG, if on sabot you have to give him a target. Same thing was in every patch before. Are you running any mods or smt?

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Thanks 11aTony. I do run ACE and InstantViewDistance mods but thats it.

I'll run a vanilla 1.15beta and see if it works in the editor.

Prior to this is ran the same mission (with ACE and IVD) in 1.14 and the gunner and commanders would fire automatically (if i was driver) but when I changed the commandline to -beta then they stopped firing.

I will report back when I've tested some more - but I'm glad that it works for you.

Appreciate your feedback - anyone else confirm/deny?

[TAO] Kremator

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Okies an update.  Here is what I did to test.

1.14 in editor -

M1A1 as commander or driver - all other gunners autofire

M113 as driver - gunner fires

BRDM as driver - gunner fires

1.15beta in editor -

M1A1 as commander or driver - all other gunners autofire

M113 as driver - gunner fires

BRDM as driver - gunner fires

In SP mode everything is fine.


1.14 and 1.15beta IN MISSIONS - gunners do NOT fire automatically with or without addons

This is driving me MAD !

Can readers of this thread PLEASE confirm that the AI (in vehicles YOU are in) target and engage automatically please.

Could we have a comment (if possible please) from BIS programmer gurus?

Thanks in advance.

[TAO] Kremator

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Hello Kremator, I can confirm I have a similar issue with all units when using any version of ACE mod, I've tried with 1.14 and 1.15, without ACE mod running Vanilla its fine, running XAM its fine, running SLX and FFN its fine.

If however I run ACE at ANY point, they refuse to engage when I am the commander, Vanilla runs just perfect.

Hope you find the solution to your problem.

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Extremeus Decimus - many thanks friend. I thought I was going crazy !

I'll raise it in ACE MOD thread then.


[TAO] Kremator

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I think I have sorted this .... it is an ACE problem.

One of the files ace_config_vehicle.pbo causes the AI to not fire.

Without that file AI happily nails enemy.

Oooooh I'm happy again (or will be completely when ACE team fix it !wink_o.gif

Thanks for all replies.

[TAO] Kremator

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you are playing arma

I don't understand.

For info..... have also tested this with ACE 1.02 and the bug is still there.

/me crosses fingers for a quick ACE fix smile_o.gif

[TAO] Kremator

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